Hi Syn,
I've had numerous voltage irregularity issues with my second-hand GSSL board. It can be very hard to determine the problem. But the sidechain should have both + and - 12 volts, obviously, so you do have a problem somewhere if those voltages are not present.
Check your regulators. That's where almost all of my voltage problems were coming from. I also had lifted pads and broken traces. (One lifted pad was under a regulator! Grrr.)
It's not fun to troubleshoot. But the power supply is easy to check. Measure the voltage at the destination sockets and if it's not correct work backwards. Measure at the output of your regulators too. You'll find the problem.
Checking voltages at the sockets should be a standard first power-on test in everyone's GSSL build.
We published the correct power voltages, and identified which pins you find them on, many pages back in this thread. But it is easy to figure out what they should be. Just look at the documentation.
However, there were some other weird smaller voltages at other (non-power supply) pins which apparently are correct, so you might want to review the thread if you're concerned about those. Otherwise, just check your power supply pins at each chip.
It's a simple little circuit, but the board is quite difficult to follow traces and figure things out on -- made especially hard because parts are not numbered.