If you're looking for something low power and kinda crunchy, try a 12ax7 pre into a 6sn7 driving a 300b. It wont do more than 15-20 watts but will definitly give some power amp crunch. I build this as a project a few years ago, it definatly has a unique sound as a guitar amp. esp. into a mashal stack
the 300b is a very linear tube but when pushed it gets a little upset, just enough to sound awsome.
also if you google '300b schematic' there are a bunch out there most (all? and who wouldn't run a 300b single ended?) of which are SE and cathode biased
cathode biasing, like other kinds of biasing, works to make the control grid of the tube negative with respect to the cathode. when a tube is idle current flows through the tube from the anode to the cathode and then through a resistor to ground. if this current is, say 1ma, (about what a 12ax7 would draw) and there is a 15k resistor connecting the cathode to ground there will be a 15 volt difference between the cathode and the ground. ie the cathode will be 15 volts above ground.
In most situations you will notice a 1M resistor connecting the grid directly to ground. this is very little loss for audio signals. It also holds the grid at approximatly the same voltage as the ground because there is little or no current through the 1M resistor and there for no voltage drop. because the grid is at '0' volts and the cathode is at '+15' we can see that this will give us a grid 15 volts belowthe cathode.
if you want a better explanation try reading over this site:
it is a simple vacuum tube preamp with almost every component explained in detail.
the big difference between these preamps and most other output stages is that the ouput stages are transformer coupled.
good luck!!
(ps I think radio shack makes a cheap 8 ohm 10 watt non inductive resistor... power soak idea?
maybe a crap load of those and an output transformer wired backwards or something...)