I built that amp - and I'm pretty happy with it. It was my first DIY project - I learned a bunch of good stuff from building it. It really fills the bill for Fender tones. I can't help you with your question about the one vs two tube switch, other than to say that I used the Hammond 125E output transformer which has six different taps that allow for different output impedences. Maybe you could use that TX and an dpdt switch to accomplish what you want to do. Now that I'm thinking about it, I might just try that mod.
When I finished mine, it needed some work. Initially, it didn't work at all, so I took it to a guy who makes a business out of building and repairing amps (Jim at Analog Brothers www.analogbros.com - great guy). He corrected some newbie errors that I had made and gave the amp back to me in a form that made sound for a reasonable fee. To his credit, he didn't correct a really nasty distortion that happened every time I turned it up. It didn't like humbuckers either - more distortion. He did explain where the problem was coming from and let me figure out how to fix it myself. It turned out that the power supply needed toning down. The tubes couldn't dissipate all of the power that they were getting.
I never use two 5y3 rectifiers now. I also put another pi filter (I think that's what its called - two capacitors connected to ground with a resistor in between on the other side) in place of the first capacitor coming out of the power TX (40uf 450V is now 2x 16uf/450V with a 360 ohm 10w resistor between). The combination of these things really tamed the amp and made it useable.
If you like, I can take some voltage measurments - once I got the amp sounding good I never did anything else to it.
I prefer the 6sl7 to the 12ax7 - it sounds rounder. Also, if you have some extra scratch, this amp sounds great through a Celestion Blue Bulldog. Good luck.