i recently had an idea.
when you use a guitar amp and overdrive it you will probabbly also get some transformer saturation. especially in a SE design.
the most of it is second order harmonics and thats what sounds really nice whit guitar amps.
also you have the speaker that adds some eq and feedback.
now the ideau is to have a preamp that you can use for a guitar that has a good distortion option and recently i tried something.
i had a simple pre with instrument input and used that for just a clean sound on a track of my console where i could add some eqing for optimising the sound of the guitar. that was a pretty clean sound.
i needed distortion also and i had a mic amp with input transformer and -20db pad. i set the gain almost at minimum (it was with tubes) and rooted the aux to that preamp and push the -20db in.
at that point i could go from clean to some bluesy sound to heavy overdrive but you only had the tubes that go into overdrive.
then i tought i could set the gain at minimum again and out out the -20db pad.
at that point the transformer saturates when you put in a good normal line signal. that depended on my aux output.
it sounded quite nice tough.
after that i routed that output to a second channel of my console and now i could tune the guitar sound before overdriving it and also after overdriving it. after the overdrive the highs must be filtered a little beceause a normal guitar amp does that by the speaker use so with some tweaking the sounds is good i think.
now my question is will the input trannie suffer from this "abuse"
beceause you could make an easely preamp for guitar only
use like 50-60db of gain with a 12ax7. use some sort of passive eq between it.
at the output use a transformer tha you can saturate with some voltage swing and place a -20db pad or maybe a stepped attenuator.
after the trannie use a simple dual triode. also with some passive eq in between and a volume pot.
i think this would work. with the attenuator you can choose if you want to overdrive the trannie. also you dant have that much noise in this way.
it is just something that came in my mind and that i tryed.
input amp with passive eq around 50-60db => attenuator => trannie => levelpot=>amp with passive eq around 20db or something
or is this just plain stupid?
when you use a guitar amp and overdrive it you will probabbly also get some transformer saturation. especially in a SE design.
the most of it is second order harmonics and thats what sounds really nice whit guitar amps.
also you have the speaker that adds some eq and feedback.
now the ideau is to have a preamp that you can use for a guitar that has a good distortion option and recently i tried something.
i had a simple pre with instrument input and used that for just a clean sound on a track of my console where i could add some eqing for optimising the sound of the guitar. that was a pretty clean sound.
i needed distortion also and i had a mic amp with input transformer and -20db pad. i set the gain almost at minimum (it was with tubes) and rooted the aux to that preamp and push the -20db in.
at that point i could go from clean to some bluesy sound to heavy overdrive but you only had the tubes that go into overdrive.
then i tought i could set the gain at minimum again and out out the -20db pad.
at that point the transformer saturates when you put in a good normal line signal. that depended on my aux output.
it sounded quite nice tough.
after that i routed that output to a second channel of my console and now i could tune the guitar sound before overdriving it and also after overdriving it. after the overdrive the highs must be filtered a little beceause a normal guitar amp does that by the speaker use so with some tweaking the sounds is good i think.
now my question is will the input trannie suffer from this "abuse"
beceause you could make an easely preamp for guitar only
use like 50-60db of gain with a 12ax7. use some sort of passive eq between it.
at the output use a transformer tha you can saturate with some voltage swing and place a -20db pad or maybe a stepped attenuator.
after the trannie use a simple dual triode. also with some passive eq in between and a volume pot.
i think this would work. with the attenuator you can choose if you want to overdrive the trannie. also you dant have that much noise in this way.
it is just something that came in my mind and that i tryed.
input amp with passive eq around 50-60db => attenuator => trannie => levelpot=>amp with passive eq around 20db or something
or is this just plain stupid?