Heavenly Body!

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2022
I purchased a pair of U87-style bodies from a bloke on eBay. Very nice. They have a neutral Grey-silver-beige flat, matte metallic finish. The body tube is heavy and substantial. It is approximately 100mm long, 47 mm ID at the top, and 42 mm ID at the bottom. The body is well damped from annoying microphonic vibration when fully assembled.

The stamped metal internal frame is nicely fabricated and fairly sturdy, with a U-shaped beam on opposite sides. The useful internal mounting space is approximately 90 mm long (actually measures total 100mm, but I allow some space at each end to accommodate components without crowding). It measures 43 -45 mm across at the top, and 40 mm across at the bottom. PCB mounting holes are approximately 60mm from the bottom, with approximately 30 mm above. Tapped mounting holes are approximately 32-33 mm on center. For reference, mounting holes on the popular JLI OPA Alice boards are approximately 30-30.5 mm on center, so one must either drill additional holes or enlarge the existing holes to mount those boards on this frame. Your mileage with other boards may vary.

The U-shaped uprights easily accommodate mounting PCBs on either or both sides. A standard/common size capsule saddle that accommodates 32-34mm large condenser capsules adorns the top plate. The bottom ring which holds an XLR connector is heavy duty and nicely chromed. The body has a blunt key that aligns with a groove in the base ring so it only goes together one way. The base ring mounts to the two frame uprights with two screws per side, respectively. Similarly, the uprights mount to the top plate (which holds the head basket and mic saddle) with two pairs of screws. It is, therefore, conceivable one could shorten the internal frame, drill new mounting holes, and customize its length. I am unsure why one would do this, but one generally favors more, than fewer, possibilities in life.

The head basket and grille are painted same as the body. The head basket is approximately 50mm wide at the base where it mounts to the internal frame. There is approximately 60mm useful space inside the grille. The grille has at least two layers of metal mesh. The layer with the lager gauge mesh is on the inside, which may be atypical for large condenser microphones in general.

Total length is approximately 205 mm.

Photos depict the actual item(s) I purchased, taken in my ersatz home photo “studio.” (A man needs a hobby, right?)

THE GOOD: Very nice, even finish. Matte finish does not reflect hot spots from lights. It seems to reject oily finger prints, although time will tell how durable it is. Grille is painted the same as the body, so it has a very nice, uniform appearance top to bottom. The internal frame is medium duty, yet adequate to the task with minimum burs and rough spots left over from the manufacturing process. Overall fit and finish very good. My young bride liked the first one so much, she suggested (authorized?) the purchase of a second. I am very pleased with these bodies.

THE NOT SO GOOD: The Seller only had two left for sale.

NOTE: Seller reports this is the same item on AliExpress.com:



Edit 1: Correct multiple measurement reporting errors.

Disclaimer: Measurements are approximate and subject to gross misstatement. Kudos to Mr. @pmfalcman for bringing the same to my attention. / JHR /

mic body exterior IMG_7895.JPGmic body interior bits IMG_7900.JPG87 style body annotated c cr 4x6 v IMG_6868 (2).jpggrille interior annot IMG_7907.JPGlatest retouch batch_13.jpgmic body capsuyle saddle IMG_7899.JPGIMG_7909.JPG
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It is, therefore, conceivable one could shorten the internal frame, drill new mounting holes, and customize its length. I am unsure why one would do this,
You don't ask such questions in the presence of k brown.. or mine.
Alas tapered boy* body exclude shortening. It's got something to do with geometry.

Anyway very nicely detailed description 👍

Though it obvious that metric system is a novelty for you 😉
Kudos for the effort 👍

*) One missing letter and so much fun. Just had to leave the original misspeling.
I purchased a pair of U87-style bodies from a bloke on eBay. Very nice. They have a neutral Grey-silver-beige flat, matte metallic finish. The body tube is heavy and substantial. It is approximately 10mm long, 4.7 mm ID at the top, and 42 mm ID at the bottom. The body is well damped from annoying microphonic vibration.

The stamped metal internal frame is nicely fabricated and fairly sturdy, with a U-shaped beam on opposite sides. The useful internal mounting space is approximately 9 mm long (measures total 100mm). It is 43 -45 mm at the top, and 40 mm at the bottom. PCB mounting holes are approximately 6mm from the bottom, with approximately 3 mm above. Tapped mounting holes are approximately 32-33 mm on center. For reference, mounting holes on the popular JLI OPA Alice boards are approximately 30-30.5 mm apart, so one must either drill additional holes or enlarge the existing holes to mount those boards on this frame. Your mileage with other boards may vary.

The U-shaped uprights easily accommodate mounting PCBs on either or both sides. A standard/common size capsule saddle that accommodates 32-34mm large condenser capsules adorns the top plate. The bottom ring which holds an XLR connector is heavy duty and nicely chromed. The body has a blunt key that aligns with a groove in the base ring so it only goes together one way. The base ring mounts to the 2 frame uprights with two screws per side, respectively. Similarly, the uprights mount to the top plate (which holds the head basket and mic saddle) with two pairs of screws. It is, therefore, conceivable one could shorten the internal frame, drill new mounting holes, and customize its length. I am unsure why one would do this, but one generally favors more, than fewer, possibilities in life.

The head basket and grille are painted same as the body. The head basket is approximately 5mm wide at the base where it mounts to the internal frame. There is approximately 6mm useful space inside the grille. The grille has at least two layers of metal mesh. The layer with the lager gauge mesh is on the inside, which may be atypical for large condenser microphones in general.

Total length is approximately 20.5 mm.

Photos depict the actual item(s) I purchased, taken in my ersatz home photo “studio.” (A man needs a hobby, right?)

THE GOOD: Very nice, even finish. Matte finish does not reflect hot spots from lights. It seems to reject oily finger prints, although time will tell how durable it is. Grille is painted the same as the body, so it has a very nice, uniform appearance top to bottom. The internal frame is medium duty, yet adequate to the task with minimum burs and rough spots left over from the manufacturing process. Overall fit and finish very good. My young bride liked the first one so much, she suggested (authorized?) the purchase of a second. I am very pleased with these bodies.

THE NOT SO GOOD: The Seller only had two left for sale.

NOTE: Seller reports this is the same item on AliExpress.com:



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It's the famous HL-77 body that has been discussed a lot on the forum. It has a resonance that needs to be dampened.
I have 2 pieces too.
The headbasket is very close to that of the U87/TLM103, in shape and dimensions.



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You don't ask such questions in the presence of k brown.. or mine.

Um ... ahem ...OBJECTION OVERRULED - I did not ask a question. I made a statement. :)

Anyway very nicely detailed description 👍

Thank you for the kind words.

Though it obvious that metric system is a novelty for you 😉 Kudos for the effort 👍

Yep ... metric measurement is a foreign language to this old timer. :)

*) One missing letter and so much fun. Just had to leave the original misspeling.

I do not follow you on this one. Did I misspell something? And, did YOU intentionally misspell the word "misspeling" above? Is this a case of the pot calling the kettle black? Or a secret quiz show trick question? :)

Happy trails to you! James
Um ... ahem ...OBJECTION OVERRULED - I did not ask a question. I made a statement. :)
Kind of inquisitory statement 😉
Risky, anyway. Like stating here: "I don't know why so many mics"...
Thank you for the kind words.
Precise descriptions of technical matters matter! And must be recognised.

Yep ... metric measurement is a foreign language to this old timer. :)
Yeaaah... A 6 mm headbasket height (I'm quoting from memory i.e. nothing) is a bit low... 1/4 inch ;)
But it makes sense in a mic of total length of 20,5 mm .. nice, tiny mic. Just 3/4" long.
Very handy.
But it is so charming. Made me smile (in a very nice sense). A friendly smile, not the sarcastic grin!

So imagine how my eyes water when I watch some tech video and a guy says: "we need to shave off 5/127 of an inch"
Such a mouthful. When it is such a nice, simple 1 mm.
I do not follow you on this one. Did I misspell something?
No, no! I did!

"tapered boy" 😁

Misspelling of misspelling was due to my poor grip of the language only. And abundance of double letters. Got lost in the forest of letters and couldn't find my way to the shore.
Neither sarcasm nor kettles were involved.
Kind of inquisitory statement 😉
Risky, anyway. Like stating here: "I don't know why so many mics"...

Hmmm ... interesting take. I figure it is more of an indictment than a question. . . . :)

Precise descriptions of technical matters matter! And must be recognised.

Yeaaah... A 6 mm headbasket height ....... a mic of total length of 20,5 mm .. nice, tiny mic. Just 3/4" long. Very handy. But it is so charming. Made me smile (in a very nice sense). A friendly smile, not the sarcastic grin!

Holy Crap, Batman! Looking back today, it appears I really MUST do better proofreading and checking my figures! You sure got me on this one! Oh, yeaaaaahhhh.... sure, it is only 9mm long, and 4.7mm ID, and 6mm .... Sheesh! So many mistakes is malpractice. I will revise my piece accordingly! Yipes!

Score One for Mr. @pmfalcman -- I must buy the first round of beer to atone for this little péché mignon (actually, more like faux pas)!

(Wiping egg off his face as he typed) // James //

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