Hey everybody, I spent some time here at the end of 2023, but got caught up with life. I was working on a Bass DI a la REDDI, and built one that sounded great. Then I tried building another, adding a gain stage and some tone controls. Originally, I took it from the b-15n schematic, but I have gone back and forth between James and Baxandall, played with all the values and gotten nowhere. It doesn't really look like the Ampeg flip top anymore, but it doesn't seem to matter what I do, the results are the same.
I can screen cap some freq response graphs in a bit, but here's the problem: I have played with the modelers and they imply a huge sweep between min and max on the controls. My bass control is not very responsive on the boost end. If I wanted to increase the bass response, which components values should I be playing with?
Not sure if this link will work:
Tone Stack Calculator
And here's a photo:

I've subbed in multiple values on the bass controls, and still don't get much boost at all. I'll add some photos of my test later.
Thanks in advance.
I can screen cap some freq response graphs in a bit, but here's the problem: I have played with the modelers and they imply a huge sweep between min and max on the controls. My bass control is not very responsive on the boost end. If I wanted to increase the bass response, which components values should I be playing with?
Not sure if this link will work:
Tone Stack Calculator
And here's a photo:

I've subbed in multiple values on the bass controls, and still don't get much boost at all. I'll add some photos of my test later.
Thanks in advance.