Wall Thomas
Hello friends of GDIY,
I'ld asked my wife and children only yesterday if they could research Vintage RCA Knobs...
Wilma informed me of two Vintage Consoles (with a thrid in the works) her and the kids have purchased from an amazing ebay seller. She's politely asked if the GDIY Alumni would please help us to restore them. This is an extension to our Custom Tube Console educational initiative we've entitled KUBRICK. (Simply put KUBRICK is the asthetic and mechanical elements of console design)
RCA - BCS-11A - Master Switching Consolette
(full restoration with tube modification)

The BCS-11A is a transistor devise which we have no interest in. A Custom Tube Consellete my wife and daughter love the idea of.
Industiral Tape Applications (ITA or ITAM) - ACS2B
(10 Channel Tube Console)

As far as we can tell ITA or ITAM is a British company specializing in Magnetic Tape recording. If you have any info on this company we would appreciate it. Interesting note, we did not think there were any British tube consoles in an RCA styled broadcast layout. We have discussed a full restoration with V72 mic pres or a Custom Tube Console design.
With this being a recent addition my mid is swimming with ideas. So prior to adding these to the Mixer/Monitor Forum, we wanted ask the Brewery their thoughts and what could be done with these Barn Finds. Please share any ideas or history on these gems and thanks for reading.
Wall and Family
Hello friends of GDIY,
I'ld asked my wife and children only yesterday if they could research Vintage RCA Knobs...
Wilma informed me of two Vintage Consoles (with a thrid in the works) her and the kids have purchased from an amazing ebay seller. She's politely asked if the GDIY Alumni would please help us to restore them. This is an extension to our Custom Tube Console educational initiative we've entitled KUBRICK. (Simply put KUBRICK is the asthetic and mechanical elements of console design)
RCA - BCS-11A - Master Switching Consolette
(full restoration with tube modification)

The BCS-11A is a transistor devise which we have no interest in. A Custom Tube Consellete my wife and daughter love the idea of.
Industiral Tape Applications (ITA or ITAM) - ACS2B
(10 Channel Tube Console)

As far as we can tell ITA or ITAM is a British company specializing in Magnetic Tape recording. If you have any info on this company we would appreciate it. Interesting note, we did not think there were any British tube consoles in an RCA styled broadcast layout. We have discussed a full restoration with V72 mic pres or a Custom Tube Console design.
With this being a recent addition my mid is swimming with ideas. So prior to adding these to the Mixer/Monitor Forum, we wanted ask the Brewery their thoughts and what could be done with these Barn Finds. Please share any ideas or history on these gems and thanks for reading.
Wall and Family
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