History..... rhymes?

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Nov 30, 2006
Hickory, MS
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
(George Santayana)
As another old saying goes, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes."

For possible insight into China's support of Mexican cartels in the current fentanyl trade a review of the "Opium Wars", back in the 1800s might be instructive. Powerful western traders (British and French) prevented China from stopping the opium trade that was so corrosive to Chinese public welfare.

This seems pretty long to be holding a grudge but the modern fentanyl trade does rhyme with the historic opium trade.

I doubt we are the only country under attack but indeed we are grouped together as the west for the purposes of this old "score" to settle.

It appears that they may see the world as a zero sum game, so making other nations weaker makes themselves stronger.

Note: the world is not a zero sum game (IMO).

Here is another example of history rhyming.... https://www.npr.org/2024/04/26/1247527512/columbia-university-protests-1968-2024-history
Those old enough, and sober enough to remember the 60s will recall that earlier campus drama.
I can't predict the future but scheduling the 2024 democratic convention to occur in Chicago this year might suggest a throw back to the infamous 1968 democratic convention there.

Danger Will Robinson. 🤔

The Hamas baloney is an appetizer for the coming Summer of Helter Skelter, enabled the same way as the "mostly peaceful" 2020 riots by the government local, state, and national.
Interesting though, to see if the entitled maggots get stomped because they are way too obviously democrat socialists making O'Brandon look bad, and rightly being allied with democrats.
I say keep the cameras in their faces, their identifiable faces.
So apparently peaceful protest is now frowned upon? People you disagree with are entitled maggots? Well last night a group of masked non student thugs descended on UCLA campus and started attacking people. One person was literally stomped. Disgusting.
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There is a pattern but I don't want to give them too much credit.

Past actions were successful at getting police defunded and bail abandoned. As I have already shared, the democratic convention in Chicago this year will be a special time (anyone remember 1968?)

The NYC mayor surprised me positively. He has mostly been a disappointment but stepped up to deal with the Columbia building takeover.
So apparently peaceful protest is now frowned upon?
peaceful protests are protected speech, the rampant anti-semitism is hate speech and not acceptable. Jewish students are being denied access to education.
People you disagree with are entitled maggots?
That is undesirable language... not civil discourse as required here (Rule #4).
Well last night a group of masked non student pro-israel thugs descended on UCLA campus and started attacking people. One person was literally stomped. Disgusting.
There has been law breaking by both sides. So far we have seen far more anti-Israel behavior.

The reports I saw about UCLA were critical of both the university administration and LA police who were late and then did not shut down the conflict immediately.

Other schools and big city police departments handled this recent drama much more successfully.

Everybody please behave....

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peaceful protests are protected speech,

Yes it is. But then why have so many students been arrested? I'm not talking about the outside agitators, but the actual students at various locations who have been peaceful yet still arrested.

That is undesirable language... not civil discourse as required here (Rule #4).

Indeed it is. So why is it tolerated?

The reports I saw about UCLA were critical of both the university administration and LA police who were late and then did not shut down the conflict immediately.

Indeed the response was abysmal. Many reported a masked mob with weapons walking across campus, you would think that would get the attention of security and police.
Violence on either side should be called out and prosecuted.
I thought the 'peaceful' pro-Palestinian protest escalated after a Jewish girl was beaten unconscious.

Curious why you'd consider this peaceful?

Admittedly, I didn't read much about the entire event but I thought that was the gist of it. (girl attacked, people retaliated)

Weren't the police nowhere to be found as well? Odd.
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I thought the 'peaceful' pro-Palestinian protest escalated after a Jewish girl was beaten unconscious.

Curious why you'd consider this peaceful?

Admittedly, I didn't read much about the entire event but I thought that was the gist of it. (girl attacked, people retaliated)

And yet you said nothing when sodderboy used that language originally, only when john12ax7 questioned his use of that language... :unsure:
I don't enjoy this mano a mano as much as you guys (herding cats on the internet), but allow me to explain my rationale.

I added this to the Brewery sub-forum header some time ago to cool the temperature of discussions around here "~ Warning: personal attacks prohibited and will be strictly moderated"..... I proposed extending the prohibition to no ad hominem attacks against 3rd parties either, not just forum members, but I did not get any support to broaden the rules beyond what they already are.

Mike tends to speak crudely when upset but AFAIK did not personally attack another forum member. It did upset a forum member so I criticized the language but I did not perceive it as a rule violation.

Might want to settle in, you've got a long wait ahead of you...
I wouldn't get too comfortable. I predict a bumpy ride ahead in the coming months.

This thread is about historical lessons and 1968 keeps getting raised as a similar (while different) political climate.

Answer your own question if these groups were MAGA, doing exactly the same stupidity. You would say "Not peaceful, lock 'em up!" And so would I.
Peaceful? If you are destroying property and threatening people you are not peaceful. If you are throwing frozen water bottles, laser light, or bodily fluid balloons at the police, you are not peaceful. If you are breaking the law, you are not peaceful. You should be rounded-up with the professional agitators. Period. Rioters got a TOTAL pass, and actual enablement, summer 2020 thanks to all levels of government. Today those same government enablers are between a rock and a hard place with these hajis. Eat it!
The whole Columbia thang where they barricaded themselves and a wanna-be PhD in marxist rubbish appealed for food access- absolutely entitled maggots, which you would call "hungry peaceful protesters"? They prove my point. NYC DA office probably sent them back out the Social Justice revolving door, but uni expulsion prolly does not have a return ticket. Eat it!

One wonderful moment- marxist hajis AND MAGA found common ground at University of Alabama chanting "Eff Joe Biden!" together.