Ideas on a single vocal mic amp to combine with my tube amp?

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2004
Austin, TX
I'm getting to a point where I'd like to have a vocal mic for my solo shows. I play my mbira through a Matchless spitfire clone into a Eden 2 10" cab. It sounds great! Here's the schematic for the head:
I'd like to keep things as simple as possible. Maybe a tonestack, but really, I'd like to just have the chance to practice my mic technique and get things eq'ed that way.
I'm not sure if I'm going to need a second cab-I hope not. I'm not sure if I can build off of the same power supply without affecting the sound of the head, or if I'm needing to build a second complete amp I don't use the head to full potential when playing the shows that I'd use a vocal mic. On larger shows, I'll sing thru a traditional PA. Any thoughts or schematics?


> I'd like to have a vocal mic for my solo shows. I play my mbira through a Matchless spitfire clone

There's essentially no difference between a e-gitar and a hi-Z microphone. Or an old fashioned electrical phono pickup.

You plug the mike into the second channel of your guitar amp. Whoops, no second input.

You could bodge from Fender 5G3, which is very similar idea with two 220K mix-resistors.

But looking at the Mattress.... the PI V2 has two inputs. The lower input is doing nothing, just tied to ground through 0.01uFd. Duplicate the V1 stage, second volume pot, into the 0.01uFd to V2 pin 2. Keep the 1meg+33K grid network for good luck. Give yorself a 1/4" jack for traditional hi-Z mikes (Radio Shed has a low-price XLR-1/4" adapter) or nail up a XLR jack and a 1:5 mike transformer.

Phantom? 95% of phantom mikes can eat the +12V that you have at EL84 cathode.

If you want more frills than that: just bring out the bottom of the 0.01uFd through a shorting jack, and go get a $59 Bee-ringer 2-in mixer to feed it.