Sound recording is … and should be … absolutely subjective !
Like photography … left to be captured in a manner as determined by the recordist that best suits their artistic taste …
There is a wide palette of microphone and preamp combinations that offer the ability to “color” the sound (or NOT) …
And a music engineer like an artist will capture the sound in a manner that leaves it to the listener to decide if they are positively impacted by the choices !
For every step of the music process from writing to arranging to recording and mixing to mastering to reproduction on the end users’ playback systems is rife with subjectivity …
As Rick Nelson sang in “Garden Party” … “you can’t please everyone … so you got to please yourself” …
My turn to say “Exactly”Exactly! ..I'm not interested in 'accuracy' in a mic, but which mic will give what I want. I don't like the - apparently, so they tell me - 'accuracy' of, say a 414 ..I much prefer the 'intensity' and more 'intimate' sound of the similar-looking, and similar capability, sE 4400. It has a bit more 'punch'. If I were recording Kings College Chapel choir at Christmas time singing carols, then 'light and airy' mics would be the thing, but for a pub trio I'd want 'density' and 'solidity' and a rather 'bass-full' atmosphere. Horses, as they say, for courses.
So do I !I am eternally grateful for this forum and what it has done to help further my recording knowledge and (en)light(en) my path !!!
@thor.zmt is the "father" of this project (thanks to him)@Emmathom your project rocks ! I want one ! indeed the K67 style of the A type mic is responsible of the overall sibilance of the result but the circuit obviously delivers full and plain response ! Chapeau monsieur !
@thor.zmt is the "father" of this project (thanks to him)
@thor.zmt and @Emmathom are very modest but through persistence, hard work and many experiments they managed to complete a beautiful project. I especially like it on the voice and some acoustic sources, the tube and the small transformer bring a sweet touch of saturation and subtle compression.Nah, I did very little, the design is full on SELA T12 with minor tweaks.
@rock soderstrom suggested the output transformer and thanks to GDIY archives there was sufficient info to "design in" the NTE transformer.
So there is little from except changing a resistor for a CCS and slightly tweaking operating conditions.