What's a 'coincident ms speaker'?
Well, NOT coincident, and not pure M/S (it doesn't really work actually) but somewhat close (closest that works

Here the "magic" exposed:
Case width is ~ 60cm, so chunky for a "bluetooth" Speaker.
Driven by 4 channels of 80W each, Class D Amplifiers clocked 1.411/1.536MHz, with a novel output filter that combines > 200kHz flat bandwith with > 100dB suppression of the switching frequency. Tube preamp for the ineffable je ne sais quoi of that Voodoo that Toobs do.
Four identical 4.5 Inch "wideband" drivers, two forwards and two to the sides.
Around 60Hz-12kHz usable bandwidth, 87dB/1W/1m. Bass is extended to 27Hz in room with EQ and passive Radiators. Custom drivers designed for this, including progressive spider, paper cone and very soft (and well damped) rubber surround.
Add "Supper Tweeters" at ~ 45 degrees angle, they really should be at the sides, but that restricts placement too much. They come in at ~ 8kHz with a single cap, they get the side signal. Both 4.5"Drivers and tweeters are custom designs to work really well together this way.
This of course is modified M/S, as I found a true M/S Speaker a bit wired and extremely hit/miss on how they work. Maybe a bit more research work could bridge the gap.
Low bass is Mono across all four drivers. So definitly "M" for part of the range. Sliding Peaking Highpass Filter to boost the bass flat at 27Hz in room at lowisch SPL.
As the filter "slides up" and cuts first bass boost and later ends up with an 80Hz 2nd HPF when playing very loud. The "cut off" parts of low bass actually produce harmonics exploiting the "missing fundamental" effect.
This is a purely analogue variant of Waves "MaxxBass" which uses EQ to boost low bass instead of synthetic harmonics, as long as the LF SPL doesn't come close to overloading the system. Once we dial back bass boost and cut out low bass, we use the modulating element (J-Fet) to create low order H2 dominant harmonics that create a "virtual subwoofer " effect.
Upper bass and midrange are mixes of L/R & L-R / R-L including delays. In the unit shown this also done all analogue. I'm working on an all digital system now.
The ultrasonic distance meters (there is a third to measure rear wall distance) determine distance to walls, which affects the LF EQ and the amount and frequency response of the "Side" signal added to L/R.
All coefficients were implemented based on the empirical method. For comparison a variety of Hai Enten systems were used.
It works remarkably well. For demo's I always parked it between really big Hai Enten Speakers, like shown here:
It always created massive disbelief when the (Hai Enten crowd) listeners were told they were listening to this overgrown clock radio selling for 1,500 USD RRP and not 50,000 USD worth of Hai Enten Gear.
Like that Thai Monk who claims he saw the Face of Jesus Christ in his Margerine and exclaimed "I can't believe it's not Buddah!"
Ok, back to normal programming and "Waz ist echtes M/S?" (was: Waz ist ein echter Dekka Baum?")