Before selling some of my microphones I thought it would be interesting to compare them thru an audio test and save a sound sample of them. This test consists of recording a voiceover and a folk guitar. Since most of them are DIY I added an official brand mic as “reference”. These mics are all cardio (or set to cardio for this test) :

I first calibrated the line inputs by injecting a 1kHz signal from my smartphone into each channel and thus aligning them to obtain a signal calibrated at -12,7dB with a gain potentiometer set at ~3:00PM (7:00AM is gain pot set to 0 so -15dB / 7:00PM is gain pot set to max. so +65dB). I measured 160mV at smartphone output to obtain this level. This 3:00AM pot. position corresponds to an average level setting for static mics in my audio cards.
Then, with these same gain settings for the 4 channels, I recorded a short and quite loud acoustic strumming guitar sample in order to measure the output level differences between each microphone. Here they are :
SDC (with 1kHz@-12,7dB for all 4 inputs) :

- c251(DIY PCBA + Superlux S502MkII capsule / no OPT)
- S502 v1 (MicUlli’s PCBA / no OPT)
- Warm Audio WA84 (100% stock / OPT)
- Shure SM81 (100% stock / OPT) > reference mic
- t.bone SC1100 (Ari K47flat + DIY PCBA + Monacor LTR-110 2:1 OPT)
- 6AK5 (AliExpress K47 + EF95 tube + DIY PCBA + Tamura 10:1 OPT)
- Studio Project TB1 (797audio capsule + 6072 NOS + mod. PCBA + stock OPT)
- Neumann TLM193 (100% stock / no OPT) > reference mic

I first calibrated the line inputs by injecting a 1kHz signal from my smartphone into each channel and thus aligning them to obtain a signal calibrated at -12,7dB with a gain potentiometer set at ~3:00PM (7:00AM is gain pot set to 0 so -15dB / 7:00PM is gain pot set to max. so +65dB). I measured 160mV at smartphone output to obtain this level. This 3:00AM pot. position corresponds to an average level setting for static mics in my audio cards.
Then, with these same gain settings for the 4 channels, I recorded a short and quite loud acoustic strumming guitar sample in order to measure the output level differences between each microphone. Here they are :
SDC (with 1kHz@-12,7dB for all 4 inputs) :
- DIY c251 = -9,1dB
- Superlux S502 = -8,8dB
- Warm Audio WA84 = -3,6dB
- Shure SM81 = -14,5dB
- t.bone SC1100 = -4,6dB
- DIY 6AK5 = -9,6dB
- Studio Project TB1 = -7,2dB
- Neumann TLM193 = -17,8dB

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