Hi opacheco
and everyone who has been searching for the T-40 module docs,
the archiver of the TAB / NWDR docs unfortunately did not collect the newer TAB desk docs in time.
Therefore it took literally years until Wolfgang got his hands on at least some schematics, but these are really helpful!
He was kind enough to share, since we both bought some of the modules at some point.
I uploaded them now to googledocs at our groupdiy googlemail account.
If everything works correctly, you can click following links and will be directed to the schematic pages at google:
T40-EK page 1
T40-EK page 2
T40-EK page 3
T40-EK page 4
This is the only information available.
The EK module is an input channel with EQ, the SK seems to be a summing module.
Pinout can be read from the schematics.
Unfotunately i have no further information about the other modules, like PBK etc...
Thanks for your attention and best regards,