Is Crane Song still in business??????

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Bjorn Andersson

Well-known member
Mar 1, 2013
I have been e-mailing Crane Song for a month now without any replay.
Does anybody know or lives near by Crane Song if they are still in business???
Have not found any information what´s going on since Dave Hill passed (rest his soul).
Found this really nice video on You Tube about Crane Song:
Unfortunately i did not have the honour to meet Dave himself in person, he looked like a really warm and a nice guy!
From what Ibjear, the guys from Hazelrig have taken over operations, but I have not personally had any interaction with them lately. Have you tried the phone- might be a more direct route.
From what Ibjear, the guys from Hazelrig have taken over operations, but I have not personally had any interaction with them lately. Have you tried the phone- might be a more direct route.
kags, i have been in contact with hazelrigg and they have not taken over any operation from Crane Song.
I have now tried to reach Cranesong for almost three months by e-mail and phone but to no avail. Even tried one of may other e-amail address if my normal e-mail address is banned at the receiving e-mail server that Cranesong uses. Does anyone in the business who knows what is happening with Cranesong? I see stores still have Cranesong products in stock (old stock?).
Perhaps ask at the shops that have stock? They, if anyone, will know for sure..

/Jakob E.
I have now checked Cranesong´s distributors list on their webpage. A lot of distributors do not have any Cranesong listed on their webpages. I will try to call distributors still listing Cranesong products on their webpages.
This tends to happen with one-guy enthusiast operations like some of us are running...
For example, Kurt Lilienthal went off line last year, and JC Morrison also no longer responds to any contact efforts...

What do you need from Cranesong? Is there a workaround? can it be diy'd?
This tends to happen with one-guy enthusiast operations like some of us are running...
For example, Kurt Lilienthal went off line last year, and JC Morrison also no longer responds to any contact efforts...

What do you need from Cranesong? Is there a workaround? can it be diy'd?
Disco Volante, i need some technical advice on a Cranesong Spider that i have in my workshop. There is a "boiling" noise on three of the eight channels. And the AES/EBU digital output 5 is dead... I wish Dave Hill was still alive ;)
Hmm, sounds like this forum would be the right place to start asking!
But I don't suppose you have the schematics or you wouldn't need to contact a dead man...

I'd start out with checking the PSU, voltages in relevant places around the pcb and maybe have a look at some caps?
"Boiling"? noisy regulator? transistor? caps? grounding issues?

I don't know the specific machine you're talking about...

Good Luck!
Just wanted to chime in to say that I would never call Cranesong a “one-guy enthusiast operation.” Dave Hill was certainly the genius designer behind the products, but they are a world-class recognized brand with global distribution. They didn’t have a huge shop, but there were around a half dozen employees last time I visited (which, admittedly, was a while ago now).

I think the remaining employees are overwhelmed and probably trying to figure out how to pick up the pieces since Dave’s passing. Contacting a distributor is probably your best bet.
Just wanted to chime in to say that I would never call Cranesong a “one-guy enthusiast operation.” Dave Hill was certainly the genius designer behind the products, but they are a world-class recognized brand with global distribution. They didn’t have a huge shop, but there were around a half dozen employees last time I visited (which, admittedly, was a while ago now).

I think the remaining employees are overwhelmed and probably trying to figure out how to pick up the pieces since Dave’s passing. Contacting a distributor is probably your best bet.
I have now reached out to a couple of distributors around the world who still have the Cranesong products on their webpages. A lot of international distributors on Cranesong´s list of distributor have no Cranesong products listed on their webpages. No e-mail reply yet from my sent e-mails. Lets see if some of the distributors know something what´s happening with Cranesong :)
I purchased an Avocet 2A from Reverb a couple of months ago and I just had time to connect it and tried it out. There is a noise coming form the left channel. Even if I tried different outputs the same noise is on all three but completely clean on the right channel. I have everything disconnected from the unit, the only two wires connected are the speaker cables.
What is weird is that it was working fine the first two days that I tried it but on the third day the noise started to appear, and its pretty loud.

I tried reaching Crane Song but they have not responded, and from reading this forum it looks like they are likely to never respond. Do you have any suggestions? Are there any repair shops you recommend? I am located in deep south Texas, USA.
I work at a store that sells Cranesong products. They have been very slow to reply the last few months, but are still in business and trying to keep things going. I don't think they will ever release the schematics and attempting service on one of these without schematics seems like an extremely difficult / impossible task.

I have recently sent an Avocet into them for repair. Try emailing: [email protected]
I don't think they will ever release the schematics and attempting service on one of these without schematics seems like an extremely difficult / impossible task.
It certainly is difficult/impossible! I had the good fortune of meeting Dave Hill once at AES in NY. It just so happened that I had a Trakker in for servicing at the time. Dave gave me his email and later sent me the schematics and calibration info with no NDA and free of charge. However, I could see why they may not be so eager to release this info now.

I work at a store that sells Cranesong products. They have been very slow to reply the last few months, but are still in business and trying to keep things going. I don't think they will ever release the schematics and attempting service on one of these without schematics seems like an extremely difficult / impossible task.

I have recently sent an Avocet into them for repair. Try emailing: [email protected]
Good to hear that you have had some contact with Cranesong. I have tried to reach them over a three month period over the phone and e-mail without any reply. I have been servicing Cranesong products for the Swedish distributor for over ten years now. I have tried all of Cranesong´s e-mail addresses without any reply. I have been in contact with other Cranesong distributors in Europe and they tell me the same thing "no one is answering the phone or e-mail at Cranesong" It is sad with the passing of Dave Hill. But you can not after nearly two years from Dave´s passing and not have any person respond to your phone calls or e-mail. As a service engineer you are dangling on limb not knowing anything what´s going on with the company. I hope Cranesong can rise from the ashes and continue to produce their awesome products.