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One more thing, half the county you live in is either on crack , coke, booze, smack, weed, or all of the above!
How do I know?
I used to carry in the propane tanks for Crosby while he was tracking at Wally Heider!

So who cares what people think. You are already guilty by association so screw em!

:guinness: :guinness: :guinness: :guinness: :guinness: :guinness: :guinness: :guinness: :guinness: :guinness: :guinness: :guinness: :guinness: :sam: :sam: :sam: :sam: :sam: :sam: :sam: :sam: :guinness: :guinness: :guinness: :guinness: :guinness:
Go ahead post, be as abrasive as you want.
If the thread dies who cares.
We will learn something.
We will built better gear.
It should sound better.
The world is better.

You are like PRR here you keep us in line. Design wise.

Yes you have ears;
use tube, transformers and be merry.
Keep up the good work.
when a thread dies it is sometimes because al viewers get soooo inspired by reading the posts that they start soldering instead of posting :razz:
i also second the thought that when an expanation is that clear and good written, it can just finalize the thread.

Keep on posting mr O'Boogie, i for sure learn a lot from posts from people like you and PRR, Kev, Jakob and so many others... :thumb:
I hope that one day i can contribute as much too, but i still have lots to learn before i get there... :oops:

Sometimes i feel a little guilty too since many friends here post so often to help out and i can do so little in return... (working on that!)

Addicted to diy,

[quote author="tony dB"] ... Addicted to diy [/quote]

I hope I had something to do with that. :grin:

As for mr O'Boogie :roll: I've got bugger all sympathy !! :shock:

Try putting in hours of work each day ... over years
( and including, in the early years, a lot of talking to myself )
... and just as the whole things starts to really pick up :evil: and some very special people start to join in ...
what do you get ... ??
thanks Kev ... nope
hey, we really think your doing great ... nope
but while your safely tucked up in bed asleep ... what happens ???
what was it that I was always afraid of ?? mmmm ? :wink:

ahhh ... it's all good
It's not just you. Many threads seem to end abruptly after I put in my two cents. I figure that I've just bored the **** out of everyone, causing them to move on to another topic :wink:
And there was me thinking I was king of the thread killers! :razz:

Always enjoy reading your posts John.

I've seen people at other forums ask exactly the same question, 'tis a funny place the internet. Check this link for the lowdown on 'web forums:

I wouldn't worry about venting now and again, we all need to sometimes. As a "producer" / "writer" I thought the music industry was about as rough as it could get, little did I know as to how cut-throat the "gear" industry was...

BTW, I thought the "Boogie" moniker meant you were a Jazz dancer with braces, bowler and spatz, now I know :wink:

Tell you what, I'll volunteer :razz:

I reckon Doc Holliday should get over to the GM forum and have a chat with Mr Tube-olator (see thread in the Brewery section for link). The Doc and him should get on like a house on fire :green:
