[quote author="Osse"]
The electrolytics I've got under control, it's the ceramics that I didn't really know. I've got the kit from JLM, so it's all their components, is the ceramic bi-polar?
And also, it's supposed to be a 10ohm resistor at one place, but the only value I can find is 15ohm, is that the one supposed for that place? It's brown/grey color, so not the same kind as the others I suppose.
All ceramics are effectively bipolar. You generally only need to worry about electrolytics and tantalums (they have the polarity marked anyway, so it is quite obvious).
The 15 Ohm resistor should be fine - I assume Joe included this as part of the kit. That resostor appears to just be there to limit the current from the supply in case the circuit asks for too much.