hodad said:
Well, if I were sexually assaulted, I would not want JR on my jury. He voted for and continues to support a president who is an admitted serial sexual assaulter--but that's okay for JR.
I hope you never need a jury trial. I believe I would treat you as fairly as I have treated others in the past.
For the Nth time. President Trump was not my first choice, or second, while still the far lesser evil than the other options (IMO).
Since you bring up the subject, he has done something I have never seen a politician do before. He is keeping campaign promises. Maybe because he is a businessman, not a politician, but he is slowly learning about politics after two years in the heart of the swamp.
His comments on Kavanaugh favor Kavanaugh over Blasey Ford because Kavanaugh just doesn't seem like that kind of guy. And I venture to say he would support Kavanaugh as readily as he has supported Trump pretty much regardless of evidence. And so far the evidence suggests Kavanaugh was the kind of guy who very much could have committed sexual assault.
I still hate it when people put words in my mouth and speculate about what I think. I have not exactly been mute on this topic. I want to hear what both say (under oath) about the accusation. Kavanaugh's name was on a list of possible future SCOTUS jurists published over two years ago. This last second accusation looks, walks, and quacks like partisan (resist) gamesmanship, but I repeat let the process play out and hear what they both have to say.
I don't see this as a lack of bias. I see it as an unwillingness to condemn those who support his political viewpoints, regardless of their personal repugnance.
I try not to condemn people because of how they vote. An observation (not mine) about the difference between conservatives and liberals, conservatives think liberals are ignorant, liberals think conservatives are evil. After you declare an entire group evil, it becomes OK to attack their character, and worse.
Doesn't matter though.
(I'm out.)
Thank you...
TMI warning (you may want to stop reading now).
I had planned to let this sleeping dog lie, but this discussion has dredged up an old personal anecdote from the 70s that vaguely seems on topic. I was actually the victim of a sexual assault, and I am uncomfortable about the severity of using that language but it seems appropriately descriptive. I picked up a hitchhiker one cold winter night, and before I got my car back up to speed, his hands were on my leg trying to make sexual advances. I stopped my car immediately and kicked him out (no I didn't literally kick him). Since I was in my mid 20's and just a couple years out of the military, I was never remotely concerned about my personal safety. This idiot just made an unwelcome pass at the wrong guy in the wrong place. If I was knowingly in a gay bar and this happened, no harm no foul, but definitely the inappropriate way to return my kindness for picking up a hitchhiker on a cold winter night.
No, I didn't file a police report, I would be embarrassed to admit that I ever felt at personal risk. I don't plan to include this event in my biography or ever think about it again. It was not repressed, more like dismissed as of no consequence. I may have discussed this at the time with a co-worker but don't recall...(this occurred over 40 years ago).
I guess now I will get labelled a homophobe or gay basher, for rejecting his unwanted advances (flame suit on).