Little update, i tried to replace the ax7 in the gain amp circuit, didn't changed the hiss, but hum was worse with the cheap ax7 i tried. Then, i changed the ax7 and 6aq5 in the side chain, didn't changed anything. I pull out those tubes, no change, i disconnected the comp/limiter switch since i didn't used shielded wires. No changes. So the noise don't looks to come from the side Chain, i think.
The la2a is strapped across my apogee. I set my input at-16db and the output at -16, too, to be around +4 Dbvu, no tracks running through it, just the internal noise. When gain at 0 (fully ccw) the signal peak is about -90db/92 into the freq. Analyser plug in. When gain at full, no compression, the signal is at about -65db. No hum, just some hiss. When i power off the unit, the hiss last until the caps fully discharge.
The la2a is loaded at 10k into my apogee, idon't terminate the output with a 680r resistor yet. Of course there is too much gain and no headroom when loaded into modern gear and distort quickly, i should really force the output at 600ohm or, padding the input withinn my daw with some gain plugin. Transformer ratio are like the original.
what do you think about that noise ratio? Does it could came from the power supply? Even if there is no hum, could it generate sone hiss? If yes, adding filtering will help ir not?
Other than that, it works really good, once the input is padded of course, when using the 12ax7 at the input. Some folks suggest using a 12ay7 i think to increase headroom.