Life s Overload light. Checking in on everyone.

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iturnknobs said:
Even in the summer the waters are frigid. Crystal clear amd nearly of drinking quality. I have snowmobiled near this area and winter is absolutely unforgiving. Beautiful, though. Nice post, Pucho.

Price dropped to half.
Only 20 million. I got the 20 just need the millions🤣😂

But nothing like a dream to drive ones passions.
I have more realistic dreams, and last time I checked, every place I evaluated to relocate to was more expensive than Hickory MS.... I wouldn't mind someplace warmer like Mexico if the cartels weren't getting stronger.

I may just stay here....

Music was such a big part of my life,  both playing and performing and watching others do the same.  There is something cathartic about a tube amp cranked up and the shared experience of music.  Sorrt of like a stress release valve to unpeg the meter.  Not having that,  as well as other shared experiences,  like drinks and a meal with a group of good friends, has been rather difficult.
john12ax7 said:
Music was such a big part of my life,  both playing and performing and watching others do the same.  There is something cathartic about a tube amp cranked up and the shared experience of music.  Sorrt of like a stress release valve to unpeg the meter.  Not having that,  as well as other shared experiences,  like drinks and a meal with a group of good friends, has been rather difficult.

I know the feeling.  nothing like a jam session to pick you up. Sadly even pre-covid a lot of places where that would take place in Southern california had closed. For example used to play  jam days on sundays at the blue dog in the LBC. nothing like blues and motorcycle clubs to  get you ready to kick the week off on monday.
We can now do the drinks and dinner thing again with friends, sort of.  Went out for the first time the other week to bossa nova this Brazilian restaurant accompanied by a couple of friends. It had been so long since we had anything from that place that it was like a whole new experience in flavor town. The beer we always get tasted more like that beer then ever before.  Every bite was the flavor we knew but better, more robust, more of it. I can't think of a better way to describe it. talk about a change in spirits from just one event. 
pucho812 said:
... talk about a change in spirits from just one event.

I bet.  Here's to all of us having more of those kind of moments soon enough, and to feeling even more appreciative of the simple pleasures in life.

Here in NZ, we had a short term (too long for my taste), quite draconian, lock down in about April last year. Since then things have been pretty much normal. We don't really have any community transmission to speak of, however we regularly have cases being picked up at the border in quarantine from what seems, at least in part, people using this place as a bolthole. This bothers me a little. Property prices have gone through the roof and I wonder if there is a connection. As such, my concerns are not about employment or the virus but more about wealth divides.

Just to clarify, in respect of employment, I started my own consultancy business a few years ago and it has been tough going with or without the virus. A lot of money was recently thrown around by our government but none fell in my lap, at least I chose not to scrounge with the rest. Many already very wealthy companies, with substantial reserves, grabbed the free government cash. Millions and millions of dollars going to those who just didn't need it. Makes me sick. Morality seems like too much work for many and formalised "law" generally wins (if you can get away with it why not do it?). I add that there were many who were deserved of the support and I begrudge them it not.

In the scheme of things 2020 wasn't such a bad year for me. The fishing was excellent and I stopped losing money. It looks like 2021 might be ok as well. Time will tell. For all those that I have shared a joke with or made a connection with here on GDIY, I wish only the best for you.

Freedom is one of the three tenets of my... life philosophy? ("freedom, equality and privacy" are currently holding pretty steady as the three tenets). Having freedom taken from me for an extended time would be very upsetting, and I know that many still have to live with restricted freedom.

Good luck to you all.
As an Olde Phart in 2021 (Ill be age 67 in a few months):

I am sick and tired of the USA political mayhem....yet I watch the "news".

I've gained 10 pounds (from 175 to 185) this past year.  Beer was maybe involved...LOL

My shirts and Levi jeans musta shrunk!!!!

Once the insane cold wave passes here (overnight temps this weekend...not wind chill..of -10F)  I plan on walking again in the 'hood.  Thank goodness the riff-raff and their angry dogs seem to have moved away!  Walking was NOT fun last year as a nasty Doberman or German Shepard was "yelling" as you walked past.  Sometimes the dumb ass dogs got loose.

I miss having big projects, but "shrug" I'm an Olde Analog Studio Guy.  Some stuff going on....doing the TML lathe system maintenance and keeping eight Ampex ATR-102 decks operating.

But, I'm amazed by the ATR's.  Built in the 1970 and 1980 era.  "Timex...they take a lickin' and keep on tickin'"  Amazingly well designed  and manufactured machines but they are sometimes cranky.

From time to time one ATR will "cough up a hairball" that confounds me.

Thank goodness for ATR Services (Bette and Dan), John French (JRF Magnetics), and Jay McKnight (MRL alignment tapes) for assistance with this collection of "antiques".

BTW  the machines make GREAT sounding tapes at 15 IPS!  also 30


This sh*t is being so f*cking long, specially when there's no real improvement of the situation here in Spain.

My loved ones and myself are good after all, it's just I'm starting to feel tired. I'm not the most social person, understand the movement limitations and everything, but damn, I need to go around, interact with real people naturally, flirt with a woman, make money run again...

It's good to have a spot to rant from time to time. I've seen advantages in passing through all this alone but in the long term it gets heavier.

Hope all of you are fine.
Sounds like quite a few of us are enduring a cold snap. Here in the UK we have had a week of intense cold and snow with temperatures reaching -23 Celsius in Scotland. I don't rememeber it being this cold since 1963. Normally my water butts freeze about an inch deep, this year they are frozen solid top to bottom.


Was thinking about the obvious but that isn't ever said explicitly, namely the reason GDIY tends to be better than most places on the internet. It isn't just the people, it is a top down thing too. Yes we are also generally good people, but wouldn't it be nice if the gdiy ethos could be scaled up across the internet?

The things we stake (integrity, candor, being wrong, merit) is weighed against the risk of losing access to past and all future knowledge. It has had a sheltering effect from random internet nastiness. In this sense, competency is the gold that everyone is mining, and a whole lot of you are some solid gold! Thank you for being here, so very much!  <3