Laggy/delayed startup on ad/da. Tired electro's on the smps output?

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Sep 19, 2010

I have an SSL conversion setup with an Alphalink AX/SX combo, where my AX is showing weird behaviour when turned on from an off state. The unit will sporadically either start normally, or more often, show few signs of waking up OR showing wacky symptoms like all peakleds lighting up (as far as I remember, haven't turned it off in a good while now due to this), with the unit eventually booting/waking up and resuming normal behavior.

I've had similar symptoms with a RME Fireface that was fixed by replacing the output electrolytics of the SMPS with fresh ones. Is this a common failiure point with units powered by smps's as they age? I bought the AX about 15 years back.

I guess I can just try and see, but then again if I just leave it powered, as it usually is anyways, I can procrastinate a bit more ;)

On another note, I just delivered my exam yesterday in Electronic Circuits! Last of three exams, and although I felt quite good about my answer, I need to solve way more tasks/problems this past semester than I've been able to (and I feel I've done a ton haha).
Could probably take some of the time spent reading theory and watching tutorials and spend it solving more assessment problems. But being back at school after 15 years working sure has been a challenge, especially considering I never was very steady in mathematics or physics back then neither. I sort of felt that I just started actually understanding things the last couple of weeks before the exams... and it's been so hard trying to do tasks, and just getting stuck with the first problem for a long time, because I have to go back and fill in the blanks on so many things... this makes one feel stuck and without progress. Easy to fall in the pit of comparing oneself to others and being further demotivated...

but my mantra this autumn has been: "If you practice, you will improve". (and "if you enjoy the practice, you practice alot").

...and when one starts getting confidence from solving these damn tasks, it starts becoming fun ;)
My first semester in my Electronics Engineering bachelor done!
Power supply electrolytics are always a safe bet - especially if they weren't from a reputable brand to begin with. If anything, the output ones can fail more rarely than the tiny little 10-47uF so-called "startup cap" filtering the power to the controller chip, on the primary side.

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