Hi All,
I'm finally at the end of the long building time, before i start rehersal on the 16th of April. I let you some picture, and i'll let some comments and specifications on the way i'm going to use this...
Technically, after a long period of test, i've deciding to remove all the DC/DC converter from ALL the modules EQN & NV73... Too much noise, (25dB more than without!!!), too much consumption of current (130ma on each +/- 16v rails, until than 95ma on +24V for the NV73), too much work for nothing, since you got a 51x rack!!!
Here is a picture of all the NV73 finished in my lab at DISPATCH:
Just a few picture of one of the lab at DISPATCH:
The final racks for DIY
Hey Igor, i've change the knobs!!!!
A few measurment for symetrical distorsion on EQN Opamp....
My others personnal outboard for this tour...
The "Badest" thing in my setup!!!!
Every modules sounded GREAT. I have to thank you for all the help proposal i've received, and i'm sorry to staying in silence during this work, but it has been a HUDGE work for me, and also for the guys in DISPATCH who follow me on this project. That's for me the beginning of a new stage in my conception of the sound design, and i'll never spent a penny in brand new gear, before to have a look at the lab in this forum....
I'll report the sound aspect of theses modules in a couple of days,
Yves Jaget