Just to give you the last news from Zazie tour. We finally finish this tour after 110 shows since April 2011, on Friday Evening.
Does the DIY change something to me???
Yes, forever.
Does the DIY modules are still well functioning??
Absolutely right.
If i had to do it again, could i do it?
Not sure....!!!!
Seriously, i've NEVER used such a good kit in live situation. But Yes it has been hard to set up this HUGE kit every days, specially in small theatre. But it's much more a mistake from the Production staff who has sold this show like an acoustic show, and not like an electric show...
Concerning the DIY:
For the NV 73: It sounded exactly like the original one exepted the gain structure wich is going to 85dB in the original one, but who cares!!!!. ( i've got two original 1073 two years ago)
i had nothing to do inside the module since the end of my build to the end of the tour! The sound is like magic, as all Neve gear, because it's sounding smooth, a little bit dirty if you need, with a warmth lo-mid and sweet hi end. If you want to rebuild a SM58 mic, just connect it to the NV73 and listen... For who's like The Neve sound (wich is one of the best to my ears), that's the start for a good audio chain. Thank's a lot to David for this great design.
I have to say that for my own use, i've removing the DC/DC converter for increase the S/N ratio, wich is normal when you use 16 pre, (11 in a rack). And I've notify at the end of the tour that on the vocal of Zazie, with 55dB input gain, i've some buzzy noise who disappear when i switch the 48V on and off....(may be bad capacitors somewhere, i don't know but i will have a look on it when i will go back home)
For the EQN 1084 from Peter Lazaro:
No trouble at all. that's the best to have after a NV73. For the people who think they will be short with fixed frequency and only lo/hi shelf, it's may be true with another EQ, but not with this Neve EQ. It sounded huge on lo frequency, the midrange section is like a brush on a master painting, that's the result of the sound of inductors, even if the phase is not straight, sound is there!!! Thank's to Peter for this great design.
For the 1176/500:
I got two different model: 6 of them are the full IGOR design (Albatros output circuit), four of them are with Ed Anderson input trafo.
I've to say that my favorite is the Albatros one, because of his great headroom/slew rate. And for the rest, this compressor is absolutly fabulous, and i'm a power user of the SLAM mode, specially on vocal track!!! I like a lot the grayhill on all and i regret to haven't it on the input/output section, i've to ask Igor to design a special model!!! The benefit to cross this piece is unbelievable and for everything. The sound at 12:1 for Acoustic guit is fab, i use it on toms too and the same, you always find the right way to make it sound rich and gorgeous!!
The slam mode is amazing on a SM58, and it maintain the right level where you decide to.
Even if it's not exactly the same result than with a REV D 1176, this machine got a real signature and sounded like the Big Name in the audio world.
If you like, i will put a sample of the final FOH mix trough theses beautiful s machines.
The only real trouble i had during this tour has been the 6176 U.A. !!!!!
Here is some pictures of the back of F.O.H., (you already know the front!!)