Thanks for theses nice word...
David/Grantlack, we have make theses test with a 150 ohm input load, with no signal at the input, and no filter in the A2 Neutrik. You're right to say that it's corresponding to an average of 4 dB less noise floor if we use the bandwith 20Hz/20Khz.
Anyway, i don't say that the DC/DC is a bad thing for the DIYer, and it's the only solution for converting +/-16V to 24V. I've just seen that more i mount modules in a rack, more i got noise due to the proximity of all the DC/DC, and the result is a 100hz noise with 11 module in a rack who can cross the audio path... So, it's a nice solution when people have to use an API rack, but with the 51x rack, it's much better to use directly the 24V power rail.... concerning my build,It's absolutly my fault and i assume!!!
A lot of people have seen theses racks in Dispatch, and say to me: "you'r crazy to go on the road with DIY machines". So, next week, to answer to the septic people concerning the quality of the DIY, i'll put some pictures of the inside of a LTD1 Chandler that i've bought 5 years ago, and that i've used on the road & in studio, compare to the inside of the NV73 or EQN modules; That's just amazing! The LTD1 look like Sh****t compare to the DIY. And the high quality components used in the DIY is much better than those used in the Chandler. I've to change ALL the midrange frequency switch in the Chandler, iv'e to stick all the filtering caps, etc etc...
We are just working with Igor on power supply for theses racks, with no less than 2,5 amps/rails (exept the 48V of course). It's absolutly necessary to have more power than the modules needs to be absolutly safe...
David, i've notice that the setup for symetrical distorsion on the output is moving a lot during the time the 3055 reach the fonctioning temperature, and i fell it's good to wait for it before to turn the trim, because the sound is a little different....
I can't forget Igor, who have make a fantastic work on his 51/76 modules andthe first audio test we have making are fantastic.
I'll put some audio samples thrue my site..
Sorry for have been too long with a bad english,
Yves Jaget