Looking for a power transformer re-wounder in the European Union

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Active member
May 14, 2009
Greetings everyone, I'm in need of rewinding a power transformer, specifically the Ampex GTC 58-0004, that powers an Ampex 2100 valve suitcase amplifier (quite similar to the more well known 620).

Originally, the transformer operated at american voltage, but it's been rewound twice already, quite badly. The last time it was rewound, unbeknownst to me, it was done so it supported diode rectification. I'm looking for someone that can rewind this correctly to operate as per the original circuit, preferably at european voltage.

Thanks in advance for any leads.
Still looking for a solution, including a new power transformer with the same specs.

That said, if anyone here has an Ampex GTC 58-0004 they're looking to move, I'd be very interested.
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