Wow! That is a beautiful thing. Where did you get it made? China seems to be the place for small runs of prototypes.
It is "mass produced" by my old company. I will not defend pricing (silly) and do not want to advertise for them.
Yes, China has for example JLPCB who specialise in prototyping and small run PCB/PCBA.
That does solve the problem of knocking down the mains supply to something that can be used. But it will need to be at least 8A ((24V@1A)*2 = 48V@2A, So 48/12=4, 2A*4=8A) or am I missing something? Then 400%? (8*12=96W) Then a 400W supply? I didn't get much sleep last night, so pardon me if my brain is chop-suey.
Let's presume we have 90% efficiency for our DC-DC converter at rated power (that is easily designed for). Let's assume 3V overhead for our post regulator.
With 12V in we want +/-27V @ 1A So that is 54VA. With 10% losses accounted we need 60VA, or 12V/5A. If the PSU is rated 12V/5A CCS (continuous commercial service) we are fine if the current draw is 1A continous, presuming we design for this. For cheap china junk of e-bay or aliexpress getting 12V/10A is probably better.
Why 12V? Compatibility with vehicular, RV etc. power. 12V batteries are a common standard.
Also, using a boost (step-up) switcher makes generating +/- Voltages easier than using a buck (step-down) switcher which needs a coupled 1:1 inductor which is not that easy to buy OTS.
In principle more than 12V can be applied, I'd say 18V would be fine, but easier to find OTS 12V supplies.
Of course, we could first use a high current, high voltage external (or internal) converter brick, step down to 18V and then add our +/-24V & +48V (plus other voltages if needed) converter afterwards.
Huh? Where? Do you tap into the timing cap or the internal switch? Sorry, but you lost me there.
Place a single cap of around 10 * the value of the combined timing caps between ground and the common of all 34063A timing cap's that would normally go straight to ground. This creates a weak coupling between all oscillators and tends to phaselock them. Some experimentation with values may be needed.
I'll look into TINA, I think I used it a little long ago. I used to use Circuitmaker, but I've switched now to KiCad.
Tina is a Circuit Simulator, not a PCB design program. It allows you to test circuits in a "virtual lab". If you keep track of thermals and other factors that are not really covered by simulation, I haf most circuits behave 100% as simulation, if the Sim accounted for all variables. It saves time and lost PCB's.
the little LM2876 40W AB Audio Amps I wanted are also at 0 inventory
Replace with this design:
MJR7-Mk5 Mosfet Power Amplifier
Exicon Mosfet's remain available, not super cheap, but unkaputtable...
Happy New Year to all here. As we say in Hawaii:
oli Makahiki Hou!

As we say in Thailand, happy nude year!