MADI Sync Symbols Problems

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New member
Sep 27, 2024
Hello together

I am new to this forum.
I am currently working on an FPGA MADI transmitter.
Unfortunately, I cannot read from the specifications exactly how many and when sync symbols have to be embedded.
The transmitter currently sends the symbols so far that the receiver recognizes that it is a 64CH/48kHz frame. However, the receiver reports that there are sync symbols in the audio:/

If someone could help me I would be very grateful.

Kind regards
Can't really help specifically here sorry. But got me wondering:
is MADI still a "Thing" ?
For context I was working professionally with Digital Audio protocols and interfacing back in the 90s when it was the "multichannel king/queen :)"
But MADI was peripheral as I was dealing with AES-3 etc; IEC950/SPDIF; ADAT; TDIF (an excellent though now abandoned format imnsho).
wrt MADI - IIRC it was originally based around Mitsubishi chips - maybe some help around that ?
Darn, that's a great undertaking. Sorry can't help (but will ask around)
Thank you gyraf for asking.
I am waiting excitedly for a reply.

Can't really help specifically here sorry. But got me wondering:
is MADI still a "Thing" ?
For context I was working professionally with Digital Audio protocols and interfacing back in the 90s when it was the "multichannel king/queen :)"
But MADI was peripheral as I was dealing with AES-3 etc; IEC950/SPDIF; ADAT; TDIF (an excellent though now abandoned format imnsho).
wrt MADI - IIRC it was originally based around Mitsubishi chips - maybe some help around that ?
Also many thanks for your Input Newmarket
We still connect a lot of “old” studios via MADI. We have recently switched everything to IP-based production. The old studios are connected to our audio routing system via MADI, which is the interface to the AES67 network
Thank you gyraf for asking.
I am waiting excitedly for a reply.

Also many thanks for your Input Newmarket
We still connect a lot of “old” studios via MADI. We have recently switched everything to IP-based production. The old studios are connected to our audio routing system via MADI, which is the interface to the AES67 network

Thanks for the info. I'm not up to speed on present day digital audio Comms as not professionally involved in it now.
is MADI still a "Thing" ?

MADI (AES-10) has been replaced in a lot of places by AES-50 if full network audio is not desired. The principles are similar, but where MADI tried to make use of FDDI hardware to take advantage of economies of scale back then, AES-50 uses Ethernet twisted pair hardware for the same reason (since FDDI is basically extinct in the IT world).
I use a Midas digital console a lot of weekends which uses AES-50 to connect stage boxes back to the console. Instead of having a thick snake, just an Ethernet cable (but still point-to-point connection between console and stage box, not capable of routing through network switches like Dante or other network audio protocols).