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Feb 9, 2006
I know that most of the members here are hobbyists or work as designers for companies. Although you might not make anything in volume yet, we live in hope. 2 things that stand in the way are cheap competition and not knowing how to manufacture. Its an entirely separate thing from designing good audio, but hopfully the next step. :grin:

As my (possibly over optimistic) contribution to western manufacturing I have created

There are many opinions about the decline (or change) of manufacturing in the west. However one thing we know that hurts is the inability to find answers quickly. Much of the old knowledge base has retired. Many of the new skills are being developed in several places completely independently. We struggle on and all agree:- "Someone MUST have done this before!"

There just wasn't a manufacturing forum (unbelievable) .....until now, Its not backed by anyone, and its free. So I'd urge anyone with an interest to sign up, and start asking questions. Initially it will be slow until serious numbers visit, but its still worth posting a question or regestering a view. The more questions we have, the more answers we will get. The more answers we get, the better it will be for everyone.

I hope this doesn't come across as poaching members. Like I said: It's the next step.
2 things that stand in the way are cheap competition and not knowing how to manufacture.

Speaking for myself, , the know how ain't a problem. The problem is manufacturing (if one was inclined to do so) something that doesn't get you a lawsuit, (either because it's already been done by someone else, or someone pulling the McD's/hot coffee thing!)

Nevertheless, that site does sound interesting. :wink: