Hi Guys!
@A P Thanks for that sketch, that gives me a good idea of how it shouldn't look like!
That sounds wrong to me. Which channel are you testing? Are you sure you have your tone stack wired correctly? If you input a very small signal, say 0.1Vp-p or less, can you sweep the frequency from 100Hz-10kHz in octaves and plot the output voltage? Just set the volume to something like 2 or 3, bass and treble to 0, mid to 5. It sounds like you might have a treble tilt somewhere in the preamp. You should have a roughly flat response over that range with
If your response isn't basically flat, trace backwards to find out where it's getting skewed.
I'm testing the "high treble" channel, but I don't use the treble bypass cap on the volume pot, so I shouldn't have a too trebly response, will check that, thanks for the idea!
he orig jtm 45 had the B+ taken after the choke
the reissue has the B+ on the upstream side.
how is your amp wired?
Hi CJ, you're back, thanks! Nice pic!!
The B+ is taken after the choke to a 1k resistor that feeds the 2 470Ohm resistors on PIN 4 of the powertubes...
also, remember that guitar puts out a tiny signal, so you might need to build a voltage divider for your signal generator to lower the output.
i have a jtm 45 with kt66 im my closet, if we have to drag it out and do a step by step follow thru comparrison, thaen damn the torpedos, we will.
first off, anybody know the output level for 1 kc git with singal coil strat pickups?
me guess 10 mv max.
I was told that I should use around 200mV because thats the average output voltage of singlecoils..can somebody confirm that?
I rebuilt a fender vibrochamp, now it has an effects loop between pre and power amp, I use it for troubleshooting. Divide and conquer! Lift the cap feeding the phase inverter. Take the pre-amp signal and run it into the effects return of another amp. If you hear the problem, it's in the pre-amp or power supply. Now take signal from the effects send of another amp, go into the Phase inverter coupling cap (to bypass the pre-amp) if you hear the problem, it's in the output section or power supply. If you hear the problem in both situations, the problem is in the power supply.If the problem is in the pre-amp: Do you like Chinese food? get a chopstick to move wires around. I like to use shielded wire for the pre-amp grids, connect the shield on one end only, either to ground, or to the plate.
Thanks Walter for that!
I'll try to scope the preamp stage after stage, if there are some problems further upstream, I also noticed a slight kink in the waveform at the PI without the powertubes installed...
Than, I will load the signal before the PI into the return of an other amp and look, what happens with it, and I'm feeding the PI of the JTM45 with the signal of a known working amp and see, if the problem is still there, this should get me even closer to the problem...
I measured the B+ voltage at the anode on the powertubes. I got around 435V idling. Turning up the volume knob the B+ drops to around 310V to ground and than strangely rises fastly to more than 1000V...I get funny readings...maybe thats because of the strong Signal...That sould be normal I think...
Another thing I noticed:
I posted that I have a unbalanced bias voltage after the 220k resistors before PIN 5 at higher volumes. (60V on one side and 72 on the other).
Moreover, one 220k drops 3V max and the other one 11V max...
I thought that would be due to matching of the power tubes, but I switched those around but that voltage drop didn't follow. After swapping the primary of the OT, the drop is still there, nothing changed, thats funny...
I'm sure I'm gonna win the battle :grin:
Have a nice sunday!