FYI, I think this is the stuff that Pmroz was talkin bout at the bottom of the previous page of posts.
"This is for Brad, I'll title it "MY COLORFUL RESPONSE"
A few people left Melcor and started API with some others. The original
2520 was "stolen" from Melcor, but the guy who designed it was one of
the ones who left. Many early API and Melcor op-amps have an RCA
sticker on them, as that is what they were. Melcor never went anywhere
after that, but the basic theory behind the amps and eqs were very
similar early on. Many people get Melcor and MAP (Modular Audio
Products) mixed up. MAP had a clone 550 and other stuff with an
IC/trans op-amp that was marginal at best.
API made as many as 20 changes over the years to the 2520, most of them
during the original 60-70's era. The changes were made because of
stability, heat, current, discontinued parts (TIS Transistors), Quieter
input devices and technical masturbation. Most of the changes made it
sound different. Datatronix made the same ones as API did,
After I purchased API, we built 2500 original 2520's and then were
forced to go to surface mount as they could not be built for less than
$200.00 each by hand. We preserved as many of the parts as possible.
As time and surface mount devices got better, so did the 2520. Just
before I sold API to ATI, Jeff and I found a matched input pair that is
almost identical to the original input pair that API settled on in the
70's. It is about the size of a crab (for those who got some on the
road and for those who didn't, it is very small) and has placed the 2520
back where it was. We did this about 2 years ago. I won't tell you
what the part is 'cause I'm a dick, and it is NOT a LM391. We started
placing the black foil labels back on them so everyone would feel fuzzy,
just like they did when we put the blue knobs back on the 550's.
Nothing will ever sound the way it used to, but we have done better than
anyone else has, so shut up. There is no product out there that
The Lord Paul"