I tried moving the 3K boost back to the 477mH tap (use 0.0056-0.006 mfd), and like it better, as it's wider. The freq is off, as my test cap was reading 0.0074 mfd. Going to mod that permanently. Each option shown and then shown together, for your consideration.
Stock 625,
alt 477,
IMO, bandwidth switches are useless. They hardly change the shape at all. For boosts, they simply restrict the boost amount. At the shallowest settings you get a bit more overall width (significant maybe with max +3 or less!), but hardly enough to be worth the extra switching.
Stock, 1K, 3K1, 12K8 series resistance values shown, corresponding to +9, +7.7, +6, +3 max boost ranges. As you can also guess, changing the bandwidth will bump your total boost, so it's not even simple to compare apples to apples.
Shorting 270R in the attenuation band simply extends the depth of the existing shape. If I want a real notch, I'll let the computer do it deeper and tighter.
Some graphics for my added
700 and 1K frequencies in the high boost band, as compared to the low boost bands. Actual capacitance still to be tweaked tighter. The added high band freq's are the +9 max plots.
A confusing compilation of all these
boost options, with 300 thrown in for bandwidth comparison.
If you haven't figured it out, to wire for extra low boosts in each band requires wiring 1-3/2-4/3-5/4-6/5-7 so you have 1 and 2 on the switch free for the extra freq's.