Mic Preamp - 4 channel DIY

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Well-known member
Sep 19, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I recently completed the design and construction of this 4-channel mic preamp for acoustic and ensemble work (particularly useful with a mic bar - spaced omni and ortf configuration). It's designed to be very low noise and very clean but has the option to switch in an insert chain (transformers, compressors or any other colour-adding box), which is useful when re-amping or just to have ready without having to re-patch.

All the details are here, in case it's of interest to anyone.


- Geoff

Thanks for all the comments.
If you want to make any of the modules I can make the gerber manufacturing package available so you can have boards made.
Alternatively I usually have quite a few over and could get more made in China, however I am in Australia and shipping costs (particularly to the US) can be quite high, more than the PCB's themselves usually.
Hi Geoff,
Very nice project. Thanks for providing design files.
Have you any plans to market your product or PCBs, or the case .. I am very interested in this type of preamp.
Hi Pascal,

I don't plan to produce these in any quantity, it was primarily developed for my own recording use.

The case is a stock rack case, available from many electronics suppliers and the front panel came from Front Panel Express. I can make the fpd file available for anyone who wants to modify and make their own, or adapt it for their own case.

The PCB's can be made available, see the previous message for details. All the modules required to make this are detailed on the site, including the PSU modules.

Being modular in design you can adapt the modules, connections and quantities to suit your own requirements.

- Geoff

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