Modify the Shure SM57 Microphone

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[quote author="43hertz"]Any thoughts about the distance issue from anyone? Will it matter?[/quote]

OM Fing G do a little work yourself...

with that off my chest

no, there is no difference that I can hear on any of mine. Ultimately, who gives a fuck about noise anyway? A stock 57 is about the worst sounding useless mic out there, if you can make it better sounding while increasing the noise, who cares if its usable? Thats always the way I looked at this shit. Mic makes a better sound coming out of the speaker when you do some shit to it. Who really cares if its noisier or not?

Dave?? No problem I'm aware of...

Anyway what Dave is saying is that having the transformer way away from the capsule COULD increase noise issues - which is the question I and Dave imagined you were asking. Shure uses the transformer to stepup the low level low impedance signal - so low level signal going down a long (ish) line would be more susceptible to noise... but Dave hasn't noticed too many issues - and as he said give it a go!

If you go into the stock xfmr, then your line will be terminated with 1.5 ohms dcr on xfmr pri.
This is probably a good thing as far as long lines and noise are concerened.

The 57 has probably been used on more music, both studio and live, than any other mic out there, so we are not debating whether it is a good mic or not, that would be lame. We are just messing with an icon and trying not to f it up. :grin:

This mic dissection thing is fun. People have been nodding during my last xfmr dissections, maybe this is my new schtict?

Yeah, right. How many people are gonna send a U 67 in for dissection?

This mic thing is a rich man's sport, dangit!
Just hack up an old direct box and put the transformer in there. It's already got the connectors and everything. Put the box on the floor and use a short cable (<10') between the mic and box. You won't notice any more noise or signal loss than if the tranny was in the mic. Take it a step further using CJ's advice and make a few boxes with different transformers. Lot's of cool ideas here.
[quote author="43hertz"]What's your problem, then?[/quote]

the paint by numbers mentality that is so common on this forum if you'd like my frank response. Some things are complicated and then some are just not.

If someone has half a creative or inquisitive cell in their little finger, this whole discussion could be avoided and the time spent talking about it could be time spent DOING it. Shit, in the time it took to think about it, one maniac completely plotted and dissected the transformer in the thing...

You asked, with 30 minutes between your posts if there would be some issue mouting the transformer 8 inches or 30 feet from the capsule. In those 30 minutes you could have had the answer for yourself as theoretically it shouldnt make too much difference, discounting the additional capacitence that the length of cable between the capsule and transformer makes (but this isnt a condenser capsule, so I doubt thats going to amount to too much difference if you use nice cable). However, if you are in a high rf environment, perhaps it WILL make a difference. I have been on some locations where a capsule screwed to a body of a mic couldnt keep the rf out. You'll have to try and see. What frustrates me is how simplistic this is to just try. This aint go build a limiter and report back, its desolder two wires and solder 4. I swear worlds will collide for some folks before they get permission from the internet to try stuff. So theoretically there should be no problem but unfortunately theoretically doesnt rule over the laws of physics in your studio nor the laws of your personal taste, so guess you'll have to try to find out. I only could assume your concern was in regards to noise. Gus gave the real answer, which of course goes overlooked just like many of his posts...

using these mics transformerless has long been the coffee talk among both studio engineers and front of house engineers. Everyone talks of using a speaker transformerless as a mic, where do you think the inspiration for THAT one came from? Anyhow, if XY and Z can use these mics transformerless on records you've all heard then certainly you can too and you definitley dont need permission to do it.

if you are intent on replacing the transformer inside the body so it looks the same make sure you have enough clearance between the transformer tabs and the capsule when it is screwed down all the way and make sure you twist the two wires appropriately to account for the circular motion they have to go in when the head gets screwed on.

Please accept my apologies for getting bent out of shape on some guy looking for help with the thought of actually DOING this in light of the fact that there are people knocking this who have never tried it, I wait with great anticipation for their monday morning quarterbacking on this subject...

It's my fault.
Parental upbringing has slowly been sliding.
Wait, it's the landlord's fault.
Raising rent so both parents have to work.

Work ethic is gone. Same with motivation.
I don't blame them. What's there to do when they get out of school.
I heard a story about a middle school sports team that was made to forfeit a game because they scored too many points. they lost because they beat the other too so badly. the model that kids are growing up in today is absolutely horrifying.

I know. I went to that Tour of Chaos show and the kids were playing video games upstairs! And the Gordon Birsch booth was completely empty so whats up with that?

The show was sponsored by Rockstar, but all they had was Red Bull so whatsup!

Oh cool, this just in, Jeff Beck next Tues at the Warfield be there. :thumb:
There is hope after all.

There are several other ouncer models that will work in the 57, including one with a big step up and mucho shielding.
Could be the ticket.
[quote author="soundguy"][quote author="43hertz"]What's your problem, then?[/quote]

the paint by numbers mentality that is so common on this forum if you'd like my frank response. Some things are complicated and then some are just not.

If someone has half a creative or inquisitive cell in their little finger, this whole discussion could be avoided and the time spent talking about it could be time spent DOING it. Shit, in the time it took to think about it, one maniac completely plotted and dissected the transformer in the thing...

You asked, with 30 minutes between your posts if there would be some issue mouting the transformer 8 inches or 30 feet from the capsule. In those 30 minutes you could have had the answer for yourself as theoretically it shouldnt make too much difference, discounting the additional capacitence that the length of cable between the capsule and transformer makes (but this isnt a condenser capsule, so I doubt thats going to amount to too much difference if you use nice cable). However, if you are in a high rf environment, perhaps it WILL make a difference. I have been on some locations where a capsule screwed to a body of a mic couldnt keep the rf out. You'll have to try and see. What frustrates me is how simplistic this is to just try. This aint go build a limiter and report back, its desolder two wires and solder 4. I swear worlds will collide for some folks before they get permission from the internet to try stuff. So theoretically there should be no problem but unfortunately theoretically doesnt rule over the laws of physics in your studio nor the laws of your personal taste, so guess you'll have to try to find out. I only could assume your concern was in regards to noise. Gus gave the real answer, which of course goes overlooked just like many of his posts...

using these mics transformerless has long been the coffee talk among both studio engineers and front of house engineers. Everyone talks of using a speaker transformerless as a mic, where do you think the inspiration for THAT one came from? Anyhow, if XY and Z can use these mics transformerless on records you've all heard then certainly you can too and you definitley dont need permission to do it.

if you are intent on replacing the transformer inside the body so it looks the same make sure you have enough clearance between the transformer tabs and the capsule when it is screwed down all the way and make sure you twist the two wires appropriately to account for the circular motion they have to go in when the head gets screwed on.

Please accept my apologies for getting bent out of shape on some guy looking for help with the thought of actually DOING this in light of the fact that there are people knocking this who have never tried it, I wait with great anticipation for their monday morning quarterbacking on this subject...



Apologies accepted. I possibly should have prefaced all my comments with the fact that I am hundreds of miles from my microphones and shop, and will be till next Thursday or Friday.
This is interesting

two people pucho812 and Herm did this (remove the transformer)and seem to have somewhat different findings if I understand the posts correctly. Maybe both are what they did hear.

Now lets think about this,what is the input to the pre, a transformer? (and its reflective load etc) or solid state?

I have tried the stock SM57 and it does seem to have an interaction with the input loading of a pre (Like people have posted on the web) So it might make sense there are interactions even with the microphone transformer removed from the body.

If you have the AES book about microphones read the section of the design of one of the shure microphones.
I think I am going to try and put a miniature rotary sw on this 57.
There are four taps on the pri. of this 0-9.
They could be wired to the switch with a small knob on the side of the mic.
This will give me four choices for turns ratio and input Z.
Kind of like that Sowter tranformer atten thingy you see from time to time.

$89 at GC so this is the best mic to screw up, no?

I have seen some other mods mentined elsewhere, like removing some of the stuff that surrounds the capsule, and there maybe some mods available inderneath that shiny steel thing on the top. (can't spell diaphram, plus, it reminds me of Goodby Columbus with Liza Mineli which we lied our underage arses to get in and see)

You are a strange cat, but one of the most enjoyable to read. And you go right after these mods and projects. I've learned a lot just from reading your posts and wanted to thank you. Keep at it, the less experienced among us appreciate it immensely.

[quote author="fucanay"]CJ,

I've learned a lot just from reading your posts and wanted to thank you. Keep at it, the less experienced among us appreciate it immensely.


What he said, double.
[quote author="fucanay"]CJ, You are a strange cat...[/quote]
Yikes! :shock:
He seems normal to me, lol! Strange or not, I must join in thanking him for always putting in the hard work while providing more humor than the comedy channel. Hats off to CJ! :green:
I'm OK with the "weird" thing. Believe me.

Ricky Skaggs. Now thats weird.
Anyone who can keep the exact same haircut for thirty years is definately weird.

[quote author="CJ"]I'm OK with the "weird" thing. Believe me.

Ricky Skaggs. Now thats weird.
Anyone who can keep the exact same haircut for thirty years is definately weird.


I hope I didn't offend with the strange comment. If you're out comparing yourself to Ricky Skaggs, I think I might have. Strange is a good thing, really. You're more of a Lemmy, than a Ricky. :green: :thumb:


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