Burdij, which transistor array did you happen to use? I just browsed quickly through Digikey
and found several ones that might be possible. Your photo isn't big enough unfortunately .
I had taken a break from this project because it looked like it was going to be difficult to get the SOIC transistor arrays. I didn't want to start a production run of the boards because I wasn't sure what was happening with availability but it seems Analog is going to start sourcing the SSM2212s soon (in fact, I just wrote to them today to get an estimate for the samples). The original part was the SSM2210. If the new part performs well (which I have no reason to doubt), I will go ahead with the PC boards.
Plus, I have been building up some modules for a Dotcom synthesizer I am working on. I am building the cabinets too so I have been using all the tools.