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has anyone tried this?
i must say that my 219 does sound incredibly honky.
i might give it a go.

(and scans would be good, ta :)
oh ****, I did this years ago! I didn't even know that someone had made DIY instructions for it!

yes it works pretty well. I also removed the resonant covers from the capsule too. sounds pretty decent now.
hmmm. i opened up my 219 to have a look.

is there any way to clean diaphragms ? mine's quite dusty... would it make any difference other than make me happier ?

(note to self: take better care of mics - even the cheap ones)
the 219 is not worth the time to mod IMO. I have modded two of mine and the capsule and body are crap IMO. I am not even sure what type of capsule design it is it, is not a AKG or neumann style.

There is a lot of open area in the backplates that does not add to the capactance. The damping seems to be the disks with holes between the backplates. I have installed the capsule in another circuit and body and it still does not sound good

The bodys ring and is hard to damp because the metal? castings have a lot of air voids. Void free metal can be damped well but metal with air voids is next to impossable to damp. The best damping I got was with a c clamp front to back almost cracking the metal.

From the META
ok, well removing the plastic bits was a quick 10 minute job... i'll probably see if i have the necessary to clean it and leave it at that

edit: i read that article and concluded that it's probably not worth cleaning it yet.