Reaper as master will not issue any transport control commands either, only SMPTE code, so you would need a synchroniser that actually creates the signals for play, stop, fast forward and rewind and of course the capstan control and location chase from the SMPTE on tape. It will not be able to pass on record in/out from Reaper - this would be done from the synchroniser remote - the synchroniser itself would have a socket (that mimics the remote socket on the tape machine) so it’s own remote can control the machine if it’s a two part synchroniser. You would need to be sure that if you buy anything:
1 that it has all the components required to control the machine including the remote control panel or compatible to connect your existing remote (if you possess one) including the cable to connect to the tape machine that is correctly wired to tally to your machines remote input pinout, as guy 4 mentions above.
(Normally these signals come from a master tape machine to the synchroniser via the remote cable connection and some synchronisers will have their own remote control panel for dual machine control).
2 the chase of Reapers position and lock to play will always have a bigger lag time than two tape machines locking. Reaper doesn’t slow down after scrolling - fast forward or rewind is just the click of a mouse button to a new location - you will have to wait once you press play in Reaper for the tape machine to catch up - rewind or fast forward to position and then drop into play to sync up - for transitions from say start of song to end of song it’ll be a long wait for sync, and variable so you can’t set accurate pre-roll locator positioning as tape spooling time varies according to distance tape has to travel.
Edit: most importantly the synchroniser is able to generate commands from a simple SMPTE or MTC derived from Reaper.
A two machine synchroniser will learn each machine’s capability for braking and chase sync and will adjust to optimise lockup - can’t do that with Reaper as it can’t provide that sort of info.
Using the tape machine as master you don’t have this problem - lockup is instantaneous or close to it when you hit play on the tape deck as the software doesn’t need to chase.
It already works fine using SMPTE chase in Reaper as you previously posted.
Some people have expressed interest in the past in a software add on to output Sony 9 pin transport control functionality:
Maybe by now someone has come up with a solution