My GSSL - finally finished

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I just reconnected everything and send some audio through it while wickeling(is that really a word?) all the connectors on the Thrust circuit, and the compression kicked in for a moment. I guess that means I have a broken connection, so I'm gonna rewire the connections between the main PCB and the Thrust circuit!

I'll post the results when I'm done :thumb:
After I rewired the connections between the boards everything is working again. :grin:

Thanks for the help! You guys are awesome :green: :guinness: :guinness: :green:

Now I can get back to mixing with my GSSL and contemplate my next DIY-project :green:
I have had some quality time with my GSSL and I can report that I absolutely love it! :grin:

The Thrust filter is a great addition to the GSSL and I think it makes it even more versatile than before!
It sounds more open and balanced with the filter and that can be really helpfull if the mix is getting crowded, I think...
I haven't tried yet, but I expect this to be very usefull when running a whole mix through it...

All in all, I'm really happy that I added the filter :guinness:
Hey Silent,
just a little stupid question..
how did you wire the Compressor In LED in your units?? did you use a relay?? if so, do you have a little diagram of how you did it??
One the overlay of the PCB PDF,

I cant read the component values. Not sure if is a fault with the PDF, or a fault at my end.
Could someone please post the component list/part values? Thanks alot :sam:
[quote author="mnats"]
Could someone please post the component list/part values?
You mean like the list Kev compiled on Jakob's site?:[/quote]

Hi mnats ! :0)

No, rather for just the thrust circuit mod.
Silents, do you think you can post some information on how to properly 'cal' the compressor with the added trim pots? Im insterested in what kind of signal I should feed the comp, where (and what) to measure to cal the Ratio, Unity, and Meter. Also, do you know if I use the Behringer meter and not the Sifam on (which is what I presume you are using) will it matter with the cal. I'm really interested in the information because this method seems to be a much better way of getting a 'tighter' compressor. I'm really new here and appreciate all the help that you are all giving me. I'm learning alot, so if you get agrovated answering questions for all the 'newbies' keep in mind we (at least I am) learning alot.
to callibrate I used a 1kHz sinus at +6dBu (you could use other frequencies and levels).
unity gain - set it to have +6dBu output in bypass or with no compression, Threshold at maximum, MakeUp at minimum.
Ratio: Keith (SSLtech) explains it here
Meter adjust: compress until you measure 10dB gain reduction (-4dBu at output, no MakeUp gain). callibrate the meter to show 10dB gain reduction.

I don't know the "Uli the Ear" meter, I think you will find something in the SSL meta.
HI Guy's :grin:
New at the Lab, extremely green in electronics, but with about 1000 qustions :oops: But first, silent art, great looking GSSL's you've made there :thumb:

Mine........ I wanted it kind of low-tech look, and ended up with this.

But now to my agerny :cry:
I've build an GSSL.....Oh my, it sounds good, no GREAT that is :green:
Well....... with a lot of help from Jakob and Gustav, great guys :thumb:
Black Dog was a big help too, and enters further bellow :thumb:

BUT what have I done....... I've manished to get absolutely no sound out :cry:
This is how that's done.......Totaly inspired of building my first eletronic device EVER, I've off course got to smart, and wanted a A.P.I. Thrust filter added to it.

I've done, well aperantly not, everything right, and now it's dead.
Okay, not finished dead, but it's NOT a GSSL anymore.
When turning it on, the meter goes to the max, there's no light in the diode, and I can only barely hear the signal coming out.
No response to bypass, or any other buttons :cry:
I'm shure the Trust filter is okay, Bladk Dog helped me with it :green: :thumb:

Do any of you guys have the slightest idea of where to look?
I am, as said before, extremely green :roll: :? and I haven't any kind of tool to messurement.............. but I do have a strong wish for bringing my GSSL back to life. :?: :?:
I'm out deep here, so any help is a biiiig help :thumb:
[michael], at first I would try it without the thrust filter again.
next is to look at all places you changed to implement the filter.
and, at least buy a cheap multimeter!

you will fix your great looking box, that's for sure :thumb:
[quote author="[silent:arts]"][michael], at first I would try it without the thrust filter again.
next is to look at all places you changed to implement the filter.
and, at least buy a cheap multimeter!

you will fix your great looking box, that's for sure :thumb:[/quote]
Yeahh..... you're right, and I'm going to buy a multimeter.

I've been through all the places I've made changes, and everything seems to be fine....... thoug it isn't :cry:
Well..... this is learning the hard way, hahaha......
As I said, I'm totally green......... but I'll remove the filter, I was just hopping that someone could say, hey that's the problem :cry:

Thanx for the quick reply :thumb:

Welcome to GroupDIY..!

First of all, get yourself a multimeter. They don't need to be expensive at all - but make sure to get one that will measure down to 200mV full-scale at the AC range. Not all multimeters will do this, and you'll need it for audio.

The "M3900" from "Lavpris elektronik" in Århus (DKK199,-)

or the

"DVM860BL" from "Brink" in copenhagen (DKK398,-)

..would probably do fine.

For your problem, my guess is that your extra thrust board loads the supply lines - either +-15V or +-12V - too much. Remove the extra board completely and check your supply voltages. If a voltage is still wrong, you may have a burnt-out regulator in that supply line - change the regulator in charge of that.

Jakob E.

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