My GSSL - finally finished

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[quote author="fucanay"]I'd like to buy some etched boards for this thrust circuit to add to the GSSLs I have under construction. Would anyone be willing to etch the boards and sell them to me? It would be greatly appreciated.


The Thr*st-circuit is really quite simple, and even so when going for the two flavours of it. I took a strip of veroboard (in matching colour, by accident) that forms a motherboard for the HPF-PCB from Greg (which now has become a daughterboard).
The mobo is about double the size of the HPF-PCB and gives plenty of space for a simple dual opamp circuit realizing both strengths of the Thr*st. You could even put the various additiuonal caps on it should you decide to use additional frequencies for filling up a 12-position rotary.
Just do it, it's simple.


I'd like to, but I've never done anything from a solely from a schematic yet. I can get some breadboard at radioshack and give it a try, but it's kind of scary. Honestly, I have no idea how you even attach the parts to that board. I know, such a newbie. Spoiled by Gustav, Peter C and Mnats. :oops: :oops:

[quote author="fucanay"]I'd like to, but I've never done anything from a solely from a schematic yet. I can get some breadboard at radioshack and give it a try, but it's kind of scary. Honestly, I have no idea how you even attach the parts to that board. I know, such a newbie. Spoiled by Gustav, Peter C and Mnats. :oops: :oops:


Well then, I'm in good company. I was starting to feel like the odd man out around these parts. I'm surprised by how much I've already picked up just be perusing the wealth of knowledge that is this board, though.

That being said, here's a possibly stupid q: why do the overlay pdf's show four boards with different component numberings?
Hi guys,

I am about to make myself a THRUST filter to go along with Stephen's filter PCB but I am not so expert to just get it all down from the Thrust schematic picture. So I need your kind help.

Any simple drawings out there how to wire the elements properly? I will use 2,5mm raster perforated Euro boards and just connect the elements with wires from the back side. Does someone have some very simple PDF file which is simple enough even for a newbie like me to understand where everything goes? I downloaded the thrustoverlay 1,2 and 3 PDF versions but some of them are a mess :shock: and not explained enough where all the connections go.
Hey Peter,

can you explain to me also how do I connect the dual Thrust filter to my 1/12 rotary along with Stephen's filter, for example how to connect the bypass position of the Thrust filter to the rotary since there is already the baypas connection from the Stephen's filter connected to the same pin on rotary...?

There is one more question I need answer for. I am not sure how to connect properly the rotary switches for the ratio, attack and release to the control board. I didn't find any precise schematics about it. It seem to me that each rotary fits on the board in two different ways (180 degrees flip), so how to know which one is right? :roll:

Thanks for all the help in advance :thumb:
[quote author="clintrubber"]I can post a few pics of my veroboarding, say this Sunday, stay tuned.[/quote]
Like this. As you see I couldn't be bothered to use filmcaps of the same brand; since this is a sidechain I figured the value was more important. So I measured those caps & selected on value; FWIW it'll reduce the ripple of the Thr*st-slopes.

(larger file)

(small pic)

[quote author="Purusha"]
can you explain to me also how do I connect the dual Thrust filter to my 1/12 rotary along with Stephen's filter, for example how to connect the bypass position of the Thrust filter to the rotary since there is already the baypas connection from the Stephen's filter connected to the same pin on rotary...? [/quote]
It's not difficult. As you see my filter is not complete yet. So will post a further pic when done, but the big question of course when that will be :wink: :cry:

[quote author="Purusha"]Well, this information will not help me much :sad:[/quote]
Hmm, I'm sorry to hear that. If you'd put the schematic of the two Thr*st-sections & that pic side by side it'd be clear enough I think.
Putting that pic & schematic side by side should be clear enough for a layout-suggestion. I might be mistaken, but I feel you're kind of claiming spoonfed instructions a bit too much. You make me feel that I promised you something and that I didn't deliver. - end of rant -

The layout of circuit is not critical, you can't really go wrong, in whatever way you layout it.
Sorry if I sounded so pushy.... I can do that sometimes, I apologies for that. Anyway I'll try to ask you again if you are willing to help me any further:

1. The thrustoverlay 1,2 and 3 PDF together with your picture should be more than clear how to wire the filter, yes?

2. What about the signal in/out/thrust medium/thrust loud/thrust bypass connections from the filter to the main PCB and rotary switch? Can you give me some help here? This is where I get blank :?

Thanks. :thumb:
:shock: :?: :idea: :grin: I just noticed that the thrustoverlay PDF files and your Thrust filter are not the dual Thrust filter...

Anyway, I guess I'll have to learn how to wire that one on my own and just hope I don't smoke my gssl. :thumb:
Hi Purusha,

All fine, I hope to provide some more info soon(ish). The pic you saw is as far as my PCB is now, so I need to work further on that G-SSL before I'm able to post new pics :wink:

For now, be sure to know that the pic I posted was of this circuit, and wasn't related to any of the other layouts:



Aha, OK so you are not building the thrust filter based on the thrustoverlay PDF. I noticed that this PDF has a different chip included, it has the TL074 and not the NE5532 op amp like the dual Thrust filter in the picture above.

Thanks for your good will :thumb: I will do some home work later on and post some drawings how I think this might work with 1/12 rotary. If you have some spare time please check it out and let me know if this might work.
[quote author="Purusha"]Aha, OK so you are not building the thrust filter based on the thrustoverlay PDF. I noticed that this PDF has a different chip included, it has the TL074 and not the NE5532 op amp like the dual Thrust filter in the picture above.[/quote]
I don't exactly recall the published overlay files - must have them somewhere but IIRIC they do only the 'full' thirsty, correct ?
So when I saw the A*P*I manual (2500?) with the published curves I set out to mimic that 'in-between' setting starting from the circuit from the patent. So a second section, and since the PCB-filter already used 5532 I just continued that in these two added sections. TL072 will be fine as well\, although I would not recommend these for the HPF-PCB: the thirsty presents an additional load so let's stick to the 5532 there.

Thanks for your good will :thumb: I will do some home work later on and post some drawings how I think this might work with 1/12 rotary. If you have some spare time please check it out and let me know if this might work.
:thumb: and I'll have a look.


ok, as you can see I didn' finish the drawing :roll: I got blank at one point :?:


Can you please help me out with missing links?

BTW Do you plan to build your dual Thrust as an extension to Stephen's filter or as a completely separated filter?
I wonder how steffen's SC filter and the thrust filter would work in series?

So that the SC filter also effects what the thrust thingo is doing. Just thinking out loud... by the looks of it you could add a seperate 3 pole switch to choose between the Thrusts Loud, Med & then straight bypass back to the summing resistors... then another 6pole switch for the SC HPF.