My Humble Step Forward I have a few questions,Dont Laugh

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The projects that you haev mentioned have PCB layouts and parts lists attached to them
Some of these projects have PCBs available in the Black Market Forum for purchase but no parts - you will awlays have to buy the parts yourself
Some of the more esoteric parts are availbel as group buys in the Black Market (they are made to order with a minimum qty - so somebody has to place a big order and everybody buys into it)
Another way is to etch the PCBs yourself - check the Meta on how to do it - but the most common methods are...
Using photoresist and printing the PCB layouts provided onto sepcial paper which you lay onto a special type of PCB then exposing the PCB to UV light and then getting rid of the unwanted copper using chemicals (or something like that - I don;t use it)
Etching it manually using a pen - very difficult for the detailed PCBs but okay for the PSUs - use a thick felt tip to do the tracks - do the chemical thing on the PCB - then rub of the pen - copper is still under the pen marks
Print the PCB layouts onto sepcial paper - iron the paper onto the PCBs - then do the chemical thing

Do a search and look in the meta - it really is all there....
...not to try and appear discouraging, but bumping the thread repeatedly when you've been given answers might pî$s a few people off...

Most of the stuff you listed originally as being stuff that you'd like to DIY will either cost more to DIY than to build, or will probably sound worse than the real thing. -Also, the resale value of a home-made box will be close to zero, bear all that in mind.

PRR makes great points, but I can't help thinking that you're possibly still labouring under the illusion that you can make most of the high-dollar, high-performing stuff that's out there in the marketplace, cheaper than you can buy it... With a few exceptions, you basically can't.

The SSL compressor is an example of one that you basically can, but it doesn't behave like the real compressor... switch a tone from one channel to both channels and you'll see the gain reduction increase... that doesn't happen on the original, and means that the DIY version is more aggressive in attacking mono elements of a mix... It's still a good compressor, but build it, enjoy it and move on. Don't think that you have a real SSL compressor.

Go to the black market, choose from the "menu", buy whatever you see that you would like to try and build, (I suggest starting with something moderately easy like the SSL-style compressor) and start becoming familiar with DIY electronics that way. When things start to be more familiar, you'll be more acclimated to the whole madness.

I've seen lots of people enthused in pretty much the same manner as yourself, and many of them bite off more than they can chew, lose interest and sell off half-finished projects... -Pick one, complete it, enjoy it, move on to the next one, that's my advice.

As far as building circuit boards yourself, you certainly can, but be ready for a lot of failures. -If you're new to it, I suggest that you just buy the boards... it might stave off discouragement!


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