My little Beast (Updated - Panel Time)

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Hi Livingnote!!!

great job as's a shame these need to be hidden in a box!!!

may I ask more info on the cnb rev4?
I followed the first surgery, is this one more "drop in" than the last one?
and the big question, will it be usable with other comp than the gssl?

Isn't it? I was thinking someday of making a p2p GSSL that's like this ball of wire in a
plexiglass cube, now wouldn't that be something cool...just as long as it doesn't need
debugging which it certainly would ;)

CnB R4 is basically the same as the last one, it's just got added bypass relays on general
request. I was thinking that for this build (not any more space on the front panel) what
might be cool would be to get a push-pull pot on the front panel to control the CnB
bypass, but I'm still looking for a 2x 10K Lin pot with push-pull...

However, for now I'm just gonna drop the bypass function on this build in favor of having
as little cable tangle as possible in there...

As for using it for other comps - anything line level should work alright, seeing as that
you just plug it into any internal input and output. That's the beauty of the circuit,
it's nice and buffered so it should just about fit into anything.
You should add feedforward and feedback compression options as well. Oh and the crc for the psu of course.

Most versatile compressor... EVER.

God if you could fit tubes and a couple of different xformers and an optical cell. Its an all in one!  ;D
There certainly are 'traces' of love in your work! There ought to be a way to display it in the case, like make a glass front panel!  :)

Graphic design software + etch overlay = rock star pcb's  :)
Alright, slowly but surely getting more of the things together...been routing
around on the VCA and SC sections and now I'm hoping this is gonna work
when I put it never quite know, do ya? ;)
Does anybody know what kind of Trafo would be nice on the output of one of these?

I've been kinda thinking of giving it switchable Tx output and was thinking maybe it
would be good to make something with a footprint for 3 different kinds, just to keep
options open.

EDIT: Feed Back sounds interesting too, don't know however how that would sound
when it comes down to it...but should be doable methinks...just snatch SC from where
the CnB gets its wet in, nothing too hard...but that's totally uncharted stuff...

...then again uncharted as in "interesting" ;)
Wow man this is sweetness!

"Once I'm happy with it of course I'll make the boards available - but one thing, though -
does anyone know how to take the eps format and turn it into Gerbers and give
the thing drill data?"
the way i unerstand it is, make/copy paste circles that represent holes which will then be converted to nc drill files

im thinking of putting some sort of switchable output transformer option on mine,

I;ve already got the Lundahl LL5402's

it could be done with 4 relays i was thinking maybe?
or possibly just a switch?

A PCB for it would be great
what do you think of this?


please note this PCB design is my very first, really no idea what im doing.
also, incomplete and incorrect, just to picture it in my head really


also this has the transformer wired the wrong way, but you get the idea
output transformers are always nice.
making it switchable only makes sense with coloring transformers,
Lundahls are more the on the clean and transparent route.
A 1:1 transformer alone won't bring a lot of coloration I guess.
Why not implement a switch to a class A output with DOAs like 2520 or JE990 in inverting mode, directly at the ouput of VCA, with out connected to transformer output, will require more PSU current though
Lol, I pictured a 8th PCB added to the sandwich with 2 tubes on it :p
Ha Peat, that's great - I just had the kinda thing in mind you're detailing on
the drawing - switching output R's and Transformers like that, sure.

What would indeed make sense with the more coloring trafo route. I remember
thinking wow how cool, trafo coloring comes with the Neumann, got it in
and they sound zip, zilch, bare wire (and you get this short moment going
"heck what did I get it for then") ;) My attitude changed pretty darn fast once
I realized what that meant, though...

I remember talking to Billy Stull over at the AES, we were in the same booth
and he was telling me how his Masterpiece worked (as I slobbered on) and
mentioned that when he had gotten together with Mr. Neve to design the thing
one of the first things Neve did was to lay out this spread of different trafos and
they did listening tests, and ended up choosing one that was also in some of
Neve's most famous gear but for the life of me I can't remember what that

Peat, just noticed a day ago I still have your boards here, shortly before X-mas
I got sick and then started designing and now they're still here - but I'm thinking,
should I maybe hold off and design you a Tx board and stick it in with your delivery?
Shouldn't be too hard and you could get über-saver shipping ;)

And ha-haaa Keefaz, funny here too me I had this picture of two tubes in there
sticking out the back like those caps...wouldn't it be cool?

Oh and here over at Legendary Audio I just saw this quote from Neve:

"Well, this sounds trite, but I firmly believe that every designer is a creative artist and
creates the best he can. Whether he acknowledges it or not, he has talent, like a painter
or musician, that are gifts from his or her Creator."

Isn't that just heartwarming? I remember when Stef and I were working on the Q-Faktor,
there's just this kinda same thing going on when you're designing stuff like there's a
higher being channeling through you, kinda like when you're writing a song. One day
someone called here who was interested in getting a certain sound and I'd been writing
a song and was crying all afternoon, and he went "I understand, I understand".

Those are just the moments...I sometimes ask myself if I'm nuts or what to be charging
into this project like this but something just keeps telling me to keep going, to make it
all come together in the end. You wouldn't believe how many coincidences happened
as I was designing this thing that made it work ultimately, I couldn't ever take credit
for it personally (already starting with the first designers over at SSL who got the
ball rolling and everyone who followed from there, Jakob, Keith...). I sometimes
just feel like this little pencil that gets to put it all together, and it takes a load
off my back seeing it that way.

Oh and on the topic (just keeps coming to mind) back when I was talking to Brian Zolner
about the Bricasti reverb, he was showing me how it worked by example of an incredible
piece of music by an amazing guitarist, and while we were listening it just brought tears
to his eyes (and mine, admittedly) how this guy played. If there ever was anything I took
from all this exchange with the big guys, it's always been this incredible love for music
and for perception in general, and it's full of love and's too bad those
things get so trampled these days where money seems to be governing everything...

ok ok </rant>
Just thought of this other thing - based on principle, shouldn't you be able to turn this thing
into an expander by reversing the sidechain to do + (and consequentally ratio, thresh and
so forth, and caps and point C diode) and sticking it to the EC+ input while grounding EC-?

Edit: Ah foolishness just reverse CV with an opamp instead and stick to EC+? Heck I still
have this poor little 4th opamp in my TL074s that could use a job...

holy cow if that would work that would rock! You could give it like 6 ratios AND expand button,
haw haw.
>>> where money seems to be governing everything
It just hurts. I have had this concern about soy ever since I saw We Feed The World
and can't believe what they are doing, it's insane. Especially considering that that
wouldn't have to be the way it is, we're already producing twice as much food as
all humanity needs to eat every year, but then again:

Board meeting. "Well, if you don't come up with a solution by the end of January
we will just have to find someone more adept at rising to the challenge who might
at the same time not be of such...questionable background".

Golf course. "I've heard of your difficulties, and would know someone who could
be of assistance if you would care to oblige. You know, flexibility is a virtue in
today's world, and you always must remember what you are doing it for, the lives
and happiness of many people depend on you in your position".

General Assembly. "We are proud to be at liberty to assert that we have increased returns
36.12% through 2009, and are happy to announce this year's shooting star on the
board of directors, and would like to propose a toast, not only to the ones that have
made this possible, but also to our many shareholders who have placed their faith
in our hands. Let us all work together to make the dream of a prosperous future
become reality, and make this world a better place for everyone".

"For everyone, Cheers!"

Care for some Hennessy?

Buuuahhh (shiver)

And to think that a fifth of the soil is kept intentionally barren long-term here in Germany.
Heck, they're paying the farmers for not planting stuff. They're probably even well over
half by now, that was back in '96.

...but I'm lovin' it!®
But thank God the game works differently when you add death to the
equation...suddenly all the money is gone and you get to see what
you've done ;)

Oh you better watch out, you better not cry...
wicked, you rock!!

nice one lukas, got your email, will write back on that too, just at work now

If you are keen to design and etch some switchable TFX boards that would be unreal!!!
I'd be happy to give you any needed funds, plus anymore for the extra work you did on rev4 for CnB too.

I guess if it was done with the 4x DPDT relays like that, it would need power, and a terminal for the switch.
I've only got the LL5402's in mind, plus i've already bought them, but a transformer footprint like on the JLM baby animal could be cool (i think it does OEP, Lundahl, jensen etc...)

let me know how you go

Let's maybe start by collecting footprints. If I can design it such that you can stick in just about anything,
then we can do crossgrades if we so choose.