Ha Peat, that's great - I just had the kinda thing in mind you're detailing on
the drawing - switching output R's and Transformers like that, sure.
What would indeed make sense with the more coloring trafo route. I remember
thinking wow how cool, trafo coloring comes with the Neumann, got it in
and they sound zip, zilch, bare wire (and you get this short moment going
"heck what did I get it for then")

My attitude changed pretty darn fast once
I realized what that meant, though...
I remember talking to Billy Stull over at the AES, we were in the same booth
and he was telling me how his Masterpiece worked (as I slobbered on) and
mentioned that when he had gotten together with Mr. Neve to design the thing
one of the first things Neve did was to lay out this spread of different trafos and
they did listening tests, and ended up choosing one that was also in some of
Neve's most famous gear but for the life of me I can't remember what that
Peat, just noticed a day ago I still have your boards here, shortly before X-mas
I got sick and then started designing and now they're still here - but I'm thinking,
should I maybe hold off and design you a Tx board and stick it in with your delivery?
Shouldn't be too hard and you could get über-saver shipping
And ha-haaa Keefaz, funny here too me I had this picture of two tubes in there
sticking out the back like those caps...wouldn't it be cool?
Oh and here over at Legendary Audio I just saw this quote from Neve:
"Well, this sounds trite, but I firmly believe that every designer is a creative artist and
creates the best he can. Whether he acknowledges it or not, he has talent, like a painter
or musician, that are gifts from his or her Creator."
Isn't that just heartwarming? I remember when Stef and I were working on the Q-Faktor,
there's just this kinda same thing going on when you're designing stuff like there's a
higher being channeling through you, kinda like when you're writing a song. One day
someone called here who was interested in getting a certain sound and I'd been writing
a song and was crying all afternoon, and he went "I understand, I understand".
Those are just the moments...I sometimes ask myself if I'm nuts or what to be charging
into this project like this but something just keeps telling me to keep going, to make it
all come together in the end. You wouldn't believe how many coincidences happened
as I was designing this thing that made it work ultimately, I couldn't ever take credit
for it personally (already starting with the first designers over at SSL who got the
ball rolling and everyone who followed from there, Jakob, Keith...). I sometimes
just feel like this little pencil that gets to put it all together, and it takes a load
off my back seeing it that way.
Oh and on the topic (just keeps coming to mind) back when I was talking to Brian Zolner
about the Bricasti reverb, he was showing me how it worked by example of an incredible
piece of music by an amazing guitarist, and while we were listening it just brought tears
to his eyes (and mine, admittedly) how this guy played. If there ever was anything I took
from all this exchange with the big guys, it's always been this incredible love for music
and for perception in general, and it's full of love and compassion...it's too bad those
things get so trampled these days where money seems to be governing everything...
ok ok </rant>