I Received my panels and PCB's. Thanks! Absolutely beautiful! Looking forward to receiving ptown's kit when that is all good to go.
One question regarding mounting the FP to the case. I notice that there are no existing holes in the FP for mounting to the case however, there are what appear to be a couple pilot-holes in the rear of the FP for further drilling out just for this purpose. Just wondering if this is the case and these are intended to match up with the cases Ptownkid is sourcing.
Thanks for the great project. You guys have made this so easy I had to jump on this one! Now to find some of those gold-can's.
Cool thanks! I searched for the support thread and came to this one for some reason. I knew I saw those docs around here somewhere. Just couldn't place it right away.
Many of the EPCOS capacitors that are rated at 63V seem to be out of stock for a long time, is it OK to replace them with 100V capacitors? The 100V capacitors are about 10mm wide instead of 7.5mm.