I have a modest size control room in my home studio that requires constant air exchange when in use. I'm currently switching the outlet feeding the fan with a standard timer designed for a bathroom fan. The timer's not really working out, because I often overstay the amount of time I programed in, or I'll forget to even turn on the fan in the first place. If I had to do it over, I'd wire the fan to the light switch, so that the fan would be on constantly when I was in there. Re-wiring at this point would be destructive and messy, so I thought about using a light sensor to turn on the fan in place of the time. Lights on = fan on. However, I can't seem to find any simple photocell sensors mountable in a switch box explicitly rated for fan use. There are plenty of motion sensors rated for fans, but not a lot of motion is happening while mixing.
Leviton gives these specs for motion sensor switches:

Am I right to think that the same ratios for resistive/inductive/capacitive loads would hold true for photocell switches? In other words, if I buy a photocell rated for 600W with a resistive tungsten load it would also handle a 1/2HP (372W) inductive motor load as well? Am I missing some other detail?
My current fan only draws 38W:
I'm looking at this switch replacement:
600W Switch
Leviton gives these specs for motion sensor switches:

Am I right to think that the same ratios for resistive/inductive/capacitive loads would hold true for photocell switches? In other words, if I buy a photocell rated for 600W with a resistive tungsten load it would also handle a 1/2HP (372W) inductive motor load as well? Am I missing some other detail?
My current fan only draws 38W:
I'm looking at this switch replacement:
600W Switch