I really like the idea of commercial/industrial off-the-shelf (COTS) power supplies ("OEM PSUs"). Get two 48V linear open-frame supplies, maybe 2A or 5A output or whatever's available, put the outputs in series to make a +/= supply, and connect up as many channel strips as can be powered within the rated current output. Use as many sets like this as you need to power 'em all (do not connect power supply connections together between supplies, only the common ground!). There may be supplies available with all the current needed to run all strips, but they're likely to be SMPS, and for this kind of (line-level low-noise audio) application you probably really want linear supplies.
If you must design your own power supply, you're in luck, there's a very good electronics design book that has its power supply chapter available for free. Just click on "Download a sample chapter:"
But in this case I imagine even they would say "use a commercial power supply."