NeoTek Series 1 console strips. How to put in Racks?

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The led next to mute button is for mute. the led right below the eq is the over light. you should record with the channels before you recap them. I always liked the way they sound all original.  I've racked a bunch of those aswell. Take the pan pot out and put a 10k pot to use as a fader. you will need to jump the insert point aswell.  use the top buss switch for phantom power.  hope this helps
dude24man said:
The led next to mute button is for mute. the led right below the eq is the over light. you should record with the channels before you recap them. I always liked the way they sound all original.  I've racked a bunch of those aswell. Take the pan pot out and put a 10k pot to use as a fader. you will need to jump the insert point aswell.  use the top buss switch for phantom power.  hope this helps

Do you have to use the fader? I was thinking just of doing the direct out put.

And why the top buss switch instead of just the normal one for phantom?

You will need a fader, have you ever used a console channel? set the fader at unity gain and use the gain pot to taste. the original neotek 1e console came with a universal phantom power switch. turn the switch on and all channels will have phantom power. you can run a 48volt wire to each channel and control it with one of the buss switches. Art
dude24man said:
You will need a fader, have you ever used a console channel? set the fader at unity gain and use the gain pot to taste. the original neotek 1e console came with a universal phantom power switch. turn the switch on and all channels will have phantom power. you can run a 48volt wire to each channel and control it with one of the buss switches. Art

Yea I've used lots of consoles. But figured you could bypass the fadar by just using the direct out and redusing noise. I didn't think there was a multi stage amp pre in it.

Be easy enough to add the pot though to do it that way.

Which are the insert pins that need bridged?

Thanks for the phantom idea!
the fader will be used to send the signal to your daw. trace the insert point where it joins the channel, then solder a jumper there. art
Sorry for the veer but I get distracted when the word bus is misspelled.  Then repeated a few times, by others perpetuating the mistaken spelling.

There is only one 's' in bus.  The very different word "buss" means to kiss.

dude24man said:
the fader will be used to send the signal to your daw. trace the insert point where it joins the channel, then solder a jumper there. art

And I can use cut the P&G faders off and solder the wires to a 10k potentiometer?

dude24man said:
Yup! you could remove the pan pot and put in the 10k pot.

Right! That's what I will do then.

And I can use the JLM Kit to turn the output to a balanced level. Was going to use the DIYrecording Kit one as it was super small and simple and cheap. But he stopped making them.
The outputs are unbalanced +4 dbu. on the output xlr, just tie pin3 to pin1 and pin 2 the signal. or just use a 1/4 jack
Blackdawg said:
dude24man said:
Xlr pin 2 hot.  join pins 3 and 1 together.

Right I know that but I'm asking if there is no real advantage to making them balanced?

Depends on how long will be the cables for the output, you will be fine in short distances,
in most of the situations it will be fine.
Not being balanced you loose the common mode rejection.

I prefer to have the outputs of my Mic pres balanced, but that doesnt mean it's needed in all situations
Whoops said:
Blackdawg said:
dude24man said:
Xlr pin 2 hot.  join pins 3 and 1 together.

Right I know that but I'm asking if there is no real advantage to making them balanced?

Depends on how long will be the cables for the output, you will be fine in short distances,
in most of the situations it will be fine.
Not being balanced you loose the common mode rejection.

I prefer to have the outputs of my Mic pres balanced, but that doesnt mean it's needed in all situations

Well i'll leave that up to my boss then i suppose. haha
So can someone help me with the process of ReCapping? I have made my list on which caps to get. But im curious on brands and if there are ones i can change to improve the sound at all?

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