Winston O'Boogie said:Yes in parallel. With the correct value of termination, there should be negligible effect on your filter.
I haven't looked at your schematic ( perhaps I should) but these sorts of filters are generally defined by the source impedance - which was usually assumed to be 200 ohms in Europe - and that the load would be sufficiently bridging to that impedance.
Edit:. I looked at the schem but couldn't see clearly enough I'm afraid.
I've attached a picture of my spice model. I have a better copy of the original schematic, so the values are correct. Except for R4 (output termination resistor) which I've put in. And L3 and L4, the high cut inductors, which are 5.2mH in the original.
Can you maybe explain to me the use of R2 and R3? The two 100 Ohm resistors?