Neve 1290 build completed!!

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I have board v2.0 and it has three 1W resistors marked on the board: the 47R under TR3, and a 270R and 12R next to the +24V pad.  This is what is marked on the board, but I believe you guys may have newer boards, so.... don't know.
yeah i got 2.1 version pcb and it has the same resistors you just mentioned. no 10R tho?!
I'm not familiar with the ez1290 board, BUT on 1290 circuits, signal ground is usually tied to chassis through a 10R resistor.  I'd guess this is what the 1W 10R is for.
Was just checking Martin's schematic and that's where it's at.  Anyone grounding their circuits this way? 
snipsnip said:
Im doing it without a resistor. Works fine.

Those board grounding and xfmr check tips might have fixed my issues: fired up for an hour and a half and no crackle so far.
I have a session this afternoon so we'll see if these pres make the distance without breakup.

You ever get your preamps biased? I will crank the gain on the EZ1290s to full, then turn sine tone up from zero til it clips on the scope.
I need to adjust the parameters on the scope as well.

Curious as to why, Mitsos, you would use a direct box in reverse?
Wouldn't a regular connection to a DI, from line level PTs outputs, provide the mic level signal the EZ1290s wanna see?

Cheers and Thanks again!
stitch-o said:
snipsnip said:
Im doing it without a resistor. Works fine.

Those board grounding and xfmr check tips might have fixed my issues: fired up for an hour and a half and no crackle so far.
I have a session this afternoon so we'll see if these pres make the distance without breakup.

You ever get your preamps biased? I will crank the gain on the EZ1290s to full, then turn sine tone up from zero til it clips on the scope.
I need to adjust the parameters on the scope as well.

Hi Stich, glad you have resolved your issues... lets hope they are fixed for good!

I never managed to bias my pre's.... I did as mitsos and you are suugesting (pre @ max, sine just loud enough to clip), but still dont register any change in the waveform when adjusting the trimpot. Dont know what else to try really.....

Maybe try adjusting the horizontal parameters on the scope so you can see a full wave.
That looks a little tight to tell, to me.

Also, maybe try gaining up the tone a little bit more to make the clipping more pronounced...
until both sides are almost clipping (unevenly), then back it off a touch. That should make the
trim adjustments more noticeable.

I haven't even done mine biasing yet, just thinkin' off the top'o'me head...
If it worked, then sweeeeeeet!

I had my mysterious crackle come back about an hour into the session.
I pulled the top case off the power supply and it went away...even now, crackle is gone.
So, that means I need to cut ventilation in the PS enclosure I guess?
Would the PS running hot create crackles and pops? I have smallish heat sinks on the regulators...

If your regulators ran too hot, they'd probably shut down.  At least they're supposed to.  Are you using decent 105C caps with high enough voltage ratings?
hmmm... my crackle also pops up now and again, but disappears when i move the cable on my transformers a bit.

I would be surprised if we had the same problem with 2 different causes.

mitsos said:
If your regulators ran too hot, they'd probably shut down.

That's what I thought, but its still on and still crackle free (crossing-fingers/knock on wood now) with the PS enclosure lid open.
Tomorrow is a whole another story tho.

So Snip, you got yer suckers all biased properly?
snipsnip said:
the input or output on the tranny.

My suspicion is that the crackle is the cable joint moving under tension.
Now that I think about it, I had a problem with a bad cable... Can't remember what it's bee a while. But it didn't work right!  ;D
Can you tell if it's maybe shorting either the hot or cold to the shield?

Hey stitch, how many channels do you have running and what PSU?
little 2 channel, 1U rack with JLM ACDC PS in external enclosure.
I just cut vocals yesterday and they sound really good!

I'll post some pics in a hot minute....

Update: The crackle returned yesterday! Damn I was pissed.
Looked under the hood today and noticed that the 4pin XLR to the PS was wired pins: 1-48v 2-24v 3-0v 4-unconnected.
As per Martin's instructions I wired the 0v to pin 4 on the PS and left pin 3 disconnected and the rack. I also resoldered the high side connections at the input and output connections.

So far, no crackle... (knockin on wood)....


That sucks man. Must be frustrating. Don't you after some point just want to throw the whole thing out or start back from scratch?

After a while who knows what might be causing it. I might be inclined to just desolder it, throw out the cheap parts and redo it fresh.

Though, I see it's working now, so I guess no need.
Guys did you followed the voltages chart?
My problems were a bit the same but the Cinemag transformer was miswired.
Hope it helps