Neve 1290 build completed!!

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I believe Joe's instructions are for a single secondary trafo (or 2x12 wired in series, I suppose). Most people are probably using 24x2 trafos.
hmmm well further down the page he sais this:

and this is the Traffo (RS 223-7850) that is in the euro Bom.(and the one i bought). so i dont thinkit changes anything about wiring for 48v and 24vdc.

When he sais in the first pic "add strap accross cap as shown"  does he mean just put a jumper wire from the positive leg of the cap to the negative leg (botom right of pic1). then this will disable the negative rail which he shows as crossed out block in the pic? or does the crossed out part of the pic mean you leave out those parts?

then the 2nd thing is confusing is madriaanse sais to wire the right pad to centre pad but jlm say do the oposite for 48v.??
forget what joe says in the first picture, it's for a different type of trafo. wire it exactly as martin says.  Since you don't need a negative rail, all you do is leave out all the negative rail components. That's it.
happy haloween guys.....    i just finished wiring up my 2nd ever rack build and i cant wait to hear this baby in action. Guna wait to do some audio tests b4 i wire in the trim and 48v. here's a bit of gear porn then.
Very nice Gerard. What are the small PCB's with the mini toggles on them. Ive seen builds with this board and without. Is it just phantom power or is there some other feature on there? Where do you get them? Im  getting ready to start my 1290 build an Im just getting some opinions.  ;D
On the photo above, i think its the JLM FET DI.

On other builds you may have seen the JLM go between which offers phase and pad and maybe something else too.

Chrome Heart said:
Very nice Gerard. What are the small PCB's with the mini toggles on them. Ive seen builds with this board and without. Is it just phantom power or is there some other feature on there? Where do you get them? Im  getting ready to start my 1290 build an Im just getting some opinions.  ;D

cheers chrome. Snip is right they are the JLM Audio fet DI. the mini toggles are for phantom power (not wired yet).
Hi Gerard,

Congratulations, that looks great!

I'm thinking of making something along the same lines. I'm also in London and i'm wondering.

(a). Where did you get your rack case from?

(b). Did you go with the JLM AC/DC power supply kit?

Many thanks,

leafcutter said:
Hi Gerard,
Congratulations, that looks great!
I'm thinking of making something along the same lines. I'm also in London and i'm wondering.
(a). Where did you get your rack case from?
(b). Did you go with the JLM AC/DC power supply kit?
Many thanks,

muchas gracias John. I'm pretty pleased with the build...some of the knobs are a bit wonky but my workroom and tools aint so great so i guess thats my excuse. But compared to my first build (gssl) this ones miles better!(think i'm guna have to beef up my gssl after this). I got the rack from's the link:
And yes i used the JLM AC/DC.  I thought i'd post some more pics. Having pics of these projects definitly helped in me in building this so maybe my build will do the same.











oh and lest i forget.....madriaanse u are a diy god!!!! many thanks 4 making this project available to us lesser beings.hehe ;D
Anyone have a Great River to compare this unit to? Whats the sonic difference?

I am debating whether I should sell my Great River and build one of these?

I can't seem to find where they sell the boards, BOM and instructions?
muchas gracias John. I'm pretty pleased with the build...some of the knobs are a bit wonky but my workroom and tools aint so great so i guess thats my excuse. But compared to my first build (gssl) this ones miles better!(think i'm guna have to beef up my gssl after this). I got the rack from's the link:
And yes i used the JLM AC/DC.  I thought i'd post some more pics. Having pics of these projects definitly helped in me in building this so maybe my build will do the same.

Nice unit !
canidoit said:
Anyone have a Great River to compare this unit to? Whats the sonic difference?

I am debating whether I should sell my Great River and build one of these?

I can't seem to find where they sell the boards, BOM and instructions?

I havent heard the great river, but I *think* I read its supposed to be quite clean?

My peronsal opinion is that the neve has a pretty vintige quality, big rount bottom end and subtle harmonic distortion on top. To my ears its top end is way less hyped than modern pres, which took a little getting used to for me when used on vox.

To leafcutter - The maplins cases are the cheapest, and I used one for my neve build, but they are horrible to work with.

Now I use cases from which are a bit more pricey but much nicer. Holt BS are a similar price and a very professional product, but I havent used them.

For boards / instructions etc look at post one of this thread. Then go to the link regarding the 8 channel build.

gerardmanvuca - really nice build. Only thing I dont like is that pearl mic cable  ;D

Thanks for the extra pics Gerard, It's good to see some of the power supply. Is that the toroid from DigiKey? I Was thinking of ordering from Rapid but it looks like it's much easer to do from DigiKey given the BOM. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Your studio reminded me of when I made this right next to my bed and discovered quite quickly that I'm allergic to Ebony dust!  ;)

Snipsnip, Thanks for that insight. I take your word for it on the Maplins cases - just wondering what specifically is horrible about working with them. I saw this rack at Farnell and was considering it. Anyone tried it?

PS. Gerard how does it sound????

Cheers, John.

Hi John,

I suspect that case may suffer from the same problems as the maplins one.... its steel.

Nicer cases are some kind of aluminium alloy (i think).

Steel is OK to drill, but a NIGHTMARE to holepunch. Plus the maplins cases sides and back are one moulded piece, which does make it harder to get at for drilling etc.

Personally I would say spend a little more, but its a personal thing really. If youre on a tight budget, im sure maplins will be fine.

Thanks Snipsnip,

I only have a hand held drill so I think i'll go for the softer option as you suggest.


haha building a guitar next 2 ur bed. thats crazy dude hehe. The toroid is from RS. Its in the euro bom. It was 20 quid cheaper than digikey!!  i got most parts frm digikey apart from the toroid, PSU case, xlr connectors, and some odd caps here and there that digikey had out of stock. i got all those from RS.    The maplin case was kind of a crapper to work with....but mainly just the holes for the xlrs. I dont have a hole punch so i drew round a penny coin on the case and drilled loads of holes within the circle....then i use a half rounded metal file till the shape was right...that was defin the hardest and most annoyin part of this build....drilling the case is easy tho.  Jake ur right the pearl mic lead is kinda ugly...but it was the only colour my local maplin had.....its great wire tho...sheilded and screened and fairly cheap 2.
leafcutter said:
PS. Gerard how does it sound????
Cheers, John.

duno yet mate...aint had time to test it out...guna run some tests in my home studio tonite and at sum point take it down to my local studio to run some better tests.....i'll post my sonic opinions soon 8)
you might want to get hold of a stepped drill and give your metal file a rest  ;) I got one of these for under £9 from Rapid.


The toroid is from RS. Its in the euro bom. It was 20 quid cheaper than digikey!!

Hah, wish I'd known that this afternoon, Just ordered two of them from digikey. Oh well.

Hope your testing goes well....


doh! wish i'd known bout that one. i did look at really fat drill heads at B&Q but they were like £30!

 Ok tried out the pre and there are a couple of isssues. the thing sounded really nice, the low end is sumthin else, really warm and open. But my left pre audio dies! on the 8th,9th and 10th gain step. i.e there's no audio on these steps. the right pre is fine all the way. i traced the soldering on the knob and it seems fine. dont know if i should re solder the knob or if the problem might be somwhere else. Any ideas anyone? cheers