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Dec 23, 2024
Belgrade, Serbia
To introduce myself as a new member of the forum... The period has come when I have more time to devote to my hobbies. Now it is the turn of, among other things, condenser microphones with a large diaphragm for the purpose of studio recording.
I have previous (very old) experience with electronics. Some 30 years ago, I was professionally engaged in servicing audio equipment. In the meantime, I completely changed my activity and now I am engaged in software development, but my interest in electronics has remained all these years...
Thank you very much! Yes, we are definitely in neighboring countries:)
Sarbatori fericite si voua!
During the years of the communist dictatorship, before 1989,we built Yagi antennas with many elements and high gain for VHF and UHF and even systems of 4 synphase antennas, plus antenna amplifiers with MosFets for low noise and we received Beograd 1 and 2 Televisions. They represented for us in Romania, a breath of air of freedom.
Here we only had 2 hours of daily national TV program, which consisted only of communist propaganda, manipulation.