New 'ultimate' SSL buss comp clone ;-)

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Id like to know if any of you have compared the ultimate comp to the new Neve 33609 (not sure of the actual number) UAD compressor ??

Only in respect to if the new generation of software compressors are approaching being as good as hardware jobs?

The Neve UAD I see being universally praised as being way out ahead of any other software comps, even if it does use a huge amount of resources. Id be very interested in how the ultimate SSL holds up to it...

Any thoughts?
[quote author="dufo"]guys,

Id like to know if any of you have compared the ultimate comp to the new Neve 33609 (not sure of the actual number) UAD compressor ??

Only in respect to if the new generation of software compressors are approaching being as good as hardware jobs?

The Neve UAD I see being universally praised as being way out ahead of any other software comps, even if it does use a huge amount of resources. Id be very interested in how the ultimate SSL holds up to it...

Any thoughts?[/quote]

I am an Analog guy... but I LOVE my UAD plugs... KILLER stuff :green:

I have all the plugs & 4 cards but I just got the NEVE bundle. The EQ's just blew me away, I couldn't believe it. I have tried the Neve compressor but not enough to comment. All I can say is it sounded pretty good & in the end ALL this stuff is usable... just a different color or way of working.

Like I said before, I could see myself liking some plugs instead of the real gear for any given situation. Whatever works for you that you can afford.

Lets not let this thread drift too far outside it's original purpose :wink:
Hey Kevin, I second that. this is an analog compressor thread.
I'm not against digital at all,I use it all the time. ... I've convinced myself that analog and digital are like two different kinds of fruit. One will keep you from getting scurvy and the other will give you the ****'s. Both very necessary at certain moments.
sorry guys to just pop in like this:
I have been impressed by the multiple VCA design implemented on the "utlimate" SSL that Keith built.
(that PCB which has 8 VCAs on it)
I have been searching all around the forum, but I did not manage to get more informations about it..
is there any gentleman who could kindly post a link on the subject please?

[quote author="mata_haze"]sorry guys to just pop in like this:
I have been impressed by the multiple VCA design implemented on the "utlimate" SSL that Keith built.
(that PCB which has 8 VCAs on it)
I have been searching all around the forum, but I did not manage to get more informations about it..
is there any gentleman who could kindly post a link on the subject please?


Me too. 30 odd vca's? Im confused. Is a different board required than the normal gssl? If not, hoew do 30 vcs's fit? Im thinking they are part of a package or something, which vca's? etc..Id like to learn more...
[quote author="mata_haze"]sorry guys to just pop in like this:
I have been impressed by the multiple VCA design implemented on the "utlimate" SSL that Keith built.
(that PCB which has 8 VCAs on it)
I have been searching all around the forum, but I did not manage to get more informations about it..
is there any gentleman who could kindly post a link on the subject please?


The boards with 8 vca's on are genuine SSL parts from their desks.

JLM now has a board that you can buy that is similar but uses fewer vca's

1xdbx202X or dbx202XT is a set of eight paralleled dbx2151's.

I used four of them for the audio signal path. That makes 32x2151's. Add the two sidechain 2151's, and you're at 34 VCAs for the entire unit.

Overkill? -Probably.

Since the 2151 is a reasonable -but not stunning- VCA, there are benefits. Joe Malone in Australia and PAD in America make 202 footprint units with 4x218x series (a rather better starting point) for similar -if not better-performance.

But I did it because I could. I had the bits, and I used them. I measured a small improvement, but -take note- the BIG STORY is the 'oxford' sidechain. and the REALLY big story is the ability to switch between Oxford and Aarhus modes.

Ask anyone who's built one (theres at least 3 or 4 out there at the moment) and they'll tel you the same thing: Killer. Makes the compressor into a two-personalitled monster, with BOTH personalities highly useful.

You don't NEED all the VCA's in this comp.

I built mine with just half of each card loaded to get the separated Detector circuit & it just sounds GREAT - KILLER!

It REALLY reminds me of a LOT of mixes I hear... when it comes to the compression "Character". The Aarhus mode (Single side chain) does not do it for me on the mix buss. This version just wraps around the full mix better.
[quote author="khstudio"]You don't NEED all the VCA's in this comp.

I built mine with just half of each card loaded to get the separated Detector circuit & it just sounds GREAT - KILLER!

It REALLY reminds me of a LOT of mixes I hear... when it comes to the compression "Character". The Aarhus mode (Single side chain) does not do it for me on the mix buss. This version just wraps around the full mix better.[/quote]

"half of each card"?. You mean the left side of each board, inlcuding sidechain VCA's and components?.
KH has only half the vca's installed, so there isn't the super insane vca noise cancellation that keith has in his ultimate ultimate ssl, but it's still probably pretty darn quiet and you need 2 boards for oxford mode.
Hi There,

I have found this replacement circuit for DBX 202XT on the site of THAT corp.

figure 7 on page 4 of dn127.
I have been prototyping a second sidechain board for the "average" mode of operation, going between the SSL schematic & the Gyraf. I finally got it all to work, with switching between modes, and along the troubleshooting way, I discovered a mistake on the Gyraf schematic. The actual board is correct, and I built my second sidechian after the schematic, (I wanted the response the same as the board, so I did not use the SSL design, it is a bit different) so it had me running around in circles for a while. The 10K resistor shown between pin 13 and the diode / 20k resistor to pin 2 of the TL074 is wrong, it is actually between the junction and point "A". Take note if you go down this road!
I also used a SSM2143 for a ext key input, very simple. Next to try the THAT version.....
I am in the middle of building the Ultimate SSL clone.

1. Can I leave out the meter sensitivity resistor on the slave main board?
I am using the trim pot on the master to adjust the meter.

2. I am not sure how to connect the switch to switch between the two modes.
Is there any layout made so I can see how it's done?

Thanks in advance.
1. Can I leave out the meter sensitivity resistor on the slave main board?
I am using the trim pot on the master to adjust the meter.

Yes, unless you plan to hook a meter up to it as well.

2. I am not sure how to connect the switch to switch between the two modes.
Is there any layout made so I can see how it's done?

I can't remember exactly how I did this, it's too long ago. Maybe kevin can chime in here. Or perhaps you can work it out for yourself. The switch changes where the signals are linked together. In Gyraf mode it is before going into a single sidechain, In Oxford mode it as described in the thread.
Yap, first batch is already gone. OK, one left. Will make some photos of the real thing ASAP but here is the design layout...


Here is the thread in the black market.
OK here we talk about ULTIMATE GSSL

here is another idea since we in this design with two Sidechains use only two VCA....can we add another different VCA on other VCA place...make some kind of switch and have chance to work with 2 sets of VCA inside one box...(ofcourse not at the same time)
let say make a RETRO SWITCH MOD and switch from 202c to THAT 1281LA or DBX 202X.,..

that way we have another VCA colour in same box.....


Im just finishing my Ultimate GSSL