After working on this one for some time i brought it to the end, however I still have some minor issues to get sorted out. Mine main concern is heat which builds up on a certain components. Let me briefly inform you of what I've done...
Instead of using two set of boards, i just made another board (slave) in addition to the main (master) board. Master board is wired as usual
and it hosts side chain VCA (2180) and BOTH "audio" VCA'S (202), input and output circuits.
Slave board hosts another side chain, two HPF filters (Steffen), and relay bypass circuit. Six resistors and diode from the control board are included on this slave board, too. I connected CV from this (slave board side chain) to the jumper behind first VCA which is going to the 1k resistor, CV TO VCA'S from the Jacobs schematic.
Filter boards are fed from the "inputs" of 47K (mix resistors) and the outputs of the HPF are fed into 47k junction. There is also a switch that
selects between feeding both sends to a single HPF or splitting the sends
so every side chain gets one send.
All circuits are interconnected following tips from this thread.(page 10)
The unit is compressing and all of the functions appear to be OK, but:
1. 5532 on the filter boards are very hot ~50-60C a bit hotter and i could not keep my finger on it...They don't seem to want to go over this temperature...
2.same goes for the 5534 on the input, slightly cooler...
3.when i switch into oxford mode i have ~6dB of gain reduction more.
if Aarhus= 4db of GR oxford=10db of GR. Is this OK?
Hope some one could help to sort this out . Once we nail this, I'll post
layouts, if someone wants to go this way...
Steffen HPF