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Mar 28, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
Hello to all. My first post here.

I am undertaing the task of cleaning up an old console that my deceased husband and I had been using in our studio. I have helped him over the years with maintenence, so I am used to working around all of the gear.

The console we have is an Amek Mozart that my husband had rebuilt a few years ago. But we did not replace the faders, which is the problem I am having now. I have followed the directions from Penny & Giles on cleaning the faders, but some of them are really worn with groves in the tracks.

I have seen a post on the black market here that lists some new faders that look just like the ones we have. The faders we have say model 3220 on them. Are these the same as the ones here, or is there some other part number I need to know? The link is:

Also, does anyone know about the automation for this console. It's called SuperTrue and this version runs on a OLD ATARI computer, which has died and even if I could find the copy of the software for it (which I can't) I don't want another Atari computer! Can this SuperTrue automation be run on a PC ? Does the SupertTrue software for Windows exist? Anyone know if I need anything else to change over from the Atari based system to a PC? Anything on the console needs to be changed?

Thanks for any help. Trying to making everything work on a shoestring, of course.


Unforunately I can't answer your fader question. I have however seen an Amek Mozart with the automation software running on a DOS PC.

Last I checked Mike O'Hora is THE Amek expert. Although pricey he is well worth calling if you're in proximity to NYC. Try sending him an e-mail: [email protected]

[EDIT] Where are my manners? I am sorry for your loss. Welcome to an amazing forum! You will enjoy it.
I am no amek expert but I have used super true before and it was running on a PC system... PM me your location in california if it's near I may know some people who can help you/
Welcome to the forum, Maha.

I agree: contact Mike and see what he will tell you. Most of us here will just be guessing; he will Know.

Like: he will know at a glance if those are the right faders, or if more info is needed.

And: are the old faders really worn-out? P&G have very long lifespans. I'm not even sure that a groove is necessarily proof of wear-out (though it does seem bad). I'd hate to see you pay $75-$140 per fader if they only need some special cleaning or adjustment.

And there must be other Ameks in your area. Mike will know where they are and who takes care of them, maybe you can get some mutual-aid going.

You can get good working Ataris. Yes, keeping an Atari going 20 years after they stopped making them requires you to be an Atari geek, and hang on Atari fan sites snatching-up odds and ends. You must have more Atari experience than I do: my little bit of Atari experience (and far too much PC experience) says "computers are computers, they are all annoying". PC no less than Atari.

Atari programs, as far as I know, don't run on PC. They use very different CPUs. (I think there were tricks to run PC DOS programs on Atari, but you don't want that.)

Ah-ha: this very old (1996) Amek page indicates that both Atari and IBM versions existed at that time. However the link to the software page is broken, and I can't find either the Mozart or SuperTrue when drilling down from Amek's current home page.

So I suppose you may be able to find someone who will bootleg both the program and the documentation and other bits. And they hint that you may need an EPROM update; if Amek can't/won't help, this is a very geeky thing to do.

I think SSLtech here has worked on, or at least seen, this series of consoles, and may even know the support situation. Hang around until he sees this.

I hate to say it, but.... if you spend too much time and money restoring an automated console, you might have been better off buying one of the new digital consoles where everything is new and the automation is built-in. They are 1/10th the price the Amek was new, and I think they will get cheaper. No, they are not such impressive machines as the classic old consoles, either to fondle or to listen to (though the sound will improve). Maybe the saddest thing is: parting-out the Amek channel strips might bring enough cash to buy a good DAW. I hope you don't have to go that way, but shoestring is shoestring.
Thank you PRR and pucho812,

What a great place this is! I appreciate your help, very much!

pucho812, I am in Orange County, California. Appreciate any local contacts.

PRR, my husband was an EE in the audio world and spent 3 years and who knows how much money rebuilding and upgrading this Amek console. It's already restored. It sounds incredible.

When my hubby did the restoration, we just cleaned the faders back then and everything has been OK on the 58 channels, except for 3 of them that have been getting progressively worse.

I have swapped out the 3 faders in question with 3 others that seem fine, and the problems (dead spots) disappear. When trying the 'bad' faders in other channels, they show the same dead spots. So these 3 faders are bad. I put the ohm meter on them (my hubby's old 260) and you can see the dead spots when measuring the slider contact on the faders. So now it's just a question of finding the correct replacements.

On the Atari computer...I am stuck. Can not find the original SuperTrue automation software for the Atari, so even if I did get another Atari...I would be out of luck unless I find someone, as you suggested, that has a copy of SuperTrue in Atari format. I was able to get a copy, oddly enough, of the PC version from Amek a while back! So I will see what may turn up or what I can find, borrow or bootleg in Atari format.

Thanks again for ALL your help!


> OK on the 58 channels

Wow! Serious tool.

> except for 3 of them that have been getting progressively worse.

OK, then even if you have to pay P&G's price, "only" $420. Or limp-along with "only" 55 channels.

> trying the 'bad' faders in other channels, they show the same dead spots.

OK, pretty conclusive.

> I was able to get a copy, oddly enough, of the PC version

Can you read the disk(s)? Make copies!!! All media fade, and flop-disks fade pretty bad. And if it is on 5" disk, better copy it to 3" and to CD-R while you can still find a working 5" player.

What happens when you put (the copy) in a PC and open it? Can you run the EXE file(s)? If it isn't clear what to do, find someone with Amek PC experience.

I sure hope it talks to the console over one of the PC-standard interfaces: printer or serial. If it needs an Amek-special controller card and cable, good luck. (Or SCSI: be careful because some SCSI ports look like printer ports but are not the same!)
> OK on the 58 channels

Wow! Serious tool.

> except for 3 of them that have been getting progressively worse.

OK, then even if you have to pay P&G's price, "only" $420. Or limp-along with "only" 55 channels.

> trying the 'bad' faders in other channels, they show the same dead spots.

OK, pretty conclusive.

Thanks again, PRR.

Yes, I know..."limp along with ONLY 58 channels" :razz: It's just annoying when mixing and you forget about the bad faders! Must be an evil perfectioninst gene I have.

$420 for P&G Faders! Yikes! I'm going to check with the guy that's selling the new P&G faders for $75 each! Sounds like a real steal by comparison!

The Amek Mozart software (copied on floppy and 2 CD-R's to be safe) opens on the PC and I can read the installation instructions. But it looks like I will need another interface to the console, as the current interface is clearly marked for Atari only.

And I see references in the Amek manual to a PC interface card. But since my manual was for a system configured with the Atari, the sections on PC usage, interfaces and cards is left out. So I will have to go in search of this info to see what else may be needed. Hopefully all I need is just a PC interface card.

Thanks again for your time, PRR!

Sincerely, Maha
There is a forum member here that sells P and G faders in Los Angeles.
Anybody remember his name?
He might be helpful thur an email or phone call.
[quote author="CJ"]There is a forum member here that sells P and G faders in Los Angeles.
Anybody remember his name?
He might be helpful thur an email or phone call.

Dale Manquen
Thanks for that info peter purpose. I did take a look there.

There is a post in the Black Market for new P&G Faders for $75 that appear to be the same part #'s as I need. Anyway, the guy selling these is sending me one to try out.

Thanks for the help. Now just need help finding an Amek Mozart Automation Manual, PC Version.

Regards, Maha